June 15, 2020

Big Land: Brook Trout Fishing In The Heart Of Labrador - Now on YouTube

If you haven't viewed Big Land, a wonderful film from the folks at Tight Loops yet, now is a great time to take it in. It was some of the best fishing story telling I've ever watched. Definitely worth the 45 or so minutes. Brook trout, History, Labrador, not much more needs to be said.


But if you don't believe me...


  1. I don't want to watch it because then I'll have to go. :)

    1. No kidding. It's just a little harder to get in and out of than some places though... you might be safe.

  2. Ok, I watched it. Great film but way too tough for this older guy.

  3. Thanks for this post! Not sure I would have caught it otherwise. It was a great watch.
