April 1, 2019

Nothing Big, But Lots of Action

"Nothing big, but lots of action."

If asked, that's pretty much how I'd sum up this past Saturday.

A nice long drive (actually Friday night), two different trout streams, lots of rock hopping, stronger water flows than I expected, and a bunch of little rainbow trout to hand.

I take this same picture all the time when I road trip to fishing destinations

The weather was absolutely glorious, high 60s with the sun peeking out between the clouds.

The trout all more or less looked like the ones below, so I only took a few pictures. I've said it before, parr marks are beautiful. I did have a heftier one on at one point, but he kicked my barbless fly in the fight. I'm cool with that.

It was an Oni Type III sort of day. Probably should have brought a bit stiffer rod too, as the wind kicked up on occasion making upstream casts a bit frustrating, but it was all good.

Flies used were a orange Road Kone kebari (pictured on the grip above), a pink squirrel nymph leftover from my last Driftless escapade, and a stiff hackle Futsuu wool body kebari from Robb at Creekside Kebari. Check out Robb's selection of flies, they're awesome.

Anyway, until I figure out a way to live closer to the mountains, that's probably the last coldwater / trout trip I'll take until May. Here's hoping that changes... but in the meantime, I was definitely content with Saturday's outcome.


  1. Michael
    I assume you was fishing somewhere in Georgia---awesome looking streams----I will take those brook trout on light rods anyday.
    My son and I will be fishing in Townsend Tenn. the heart of the Smokies, in June on the the Little River for brook trout probably the size you were catching. We will using our 2 wt. 7 ft. can't wait!!! Thanks for sharing

    1. I was in Georgia. Believe it or not, those are actually rainbow trout. A 2 weight would be perfect for fish of that size!

  2. The little ones are just as much fun.

  3. Beautiful waters! And very nice trout too!

    1. Absolutely Tom. Would be happy to show them to you should you ever wander east.
