July 7, 2019

Tenkara Sasquatch Is Dead, Long Live Tenkara Sasquatch!

Decided to pull the plug on the Tenkara Sasquatch blog and Facebook page. Haven't used either in quite some time. It was long overdue. While he's still out there, fixed-line fishing and eating beef jerky, I simply will no longer be chronicling his whereabouts in those places.

As such, let's reminisce with some of his more popular sightings...

The original encounter...

The spinoff t-shirt... (there's one XXL still available in the store...)
EDIT: The last one has sold out!

A sighting, when what appears to be a stick in his hand ends up being something else...

Squatches don't mind the grip, but hate the grin...

Proof of purchase, provided by a Tenkara USA customer service informant...

A sighting on the surface of Mars...?

While fishing, look off in the distance...

I don't even remember what this is a photo of or from...

That time the Squatch & Chupacabra teamed up to take on Nessie...

These "Outta Compton" memes were all the craze a few years ago...

Last, but not least, the time we thought we were just looking at April Vokey...

Going forward, keep an eye out for any Tenkara Sasquatch or other fishing cryptid notes here on Troutrageous! (And all the old ones have been ported over, you can see them using the "Sasquatch" tag). Because they're still likely catching those trout in the shadows and simply can't be ignored.

The truth is out there... you just need to know where to look...

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