January 31, 2019

Brushes with Brookies & Beer

If you're still reading fly fishing blogs, (and I assume you are if you're reading this), do yourself a favor and visit Nick Cobler's new site, "Brushes with Brookies & Beer."

According to the website:

"Welcome to Brushes with Brookies & Beer, my little spot on the web to post my adventures and art. My goal is to use this as a way to journal this year’s trek through watercolors and wilderness. Hopefully sharing some photos and words along the way.

Whether seeking out small stream brook trout or creating art, or shooting photos, this is where I’ll post some of the fruits of my labors of love – fly fishing and photography. And maybe a few beer things. Hope you enjoy what you see."

There's already some great content on the beautifully rendered site, and if you're familiar with Nick from Instagram, you'll know there's likely plenty more to come. Plus, he's the talented graphic designer responsible for the Tenkara Angler logo... so anything he does is good in my book.

So check it out... bookmark it, add it to your RSS reader (do people still do that?), or whatever method you use to regularly visit blogs. C'mon, you know I wouldn't steer you wrong.


  1. I almost forgot how to add someone to my blogroll, but I got it.

  2. Michael
    I'm always interested in new blogs, will give it a look---thanks for sharing
