December 10, 2018

A Blog Update & A Brook Trout Video

Hey, I apologize for not posting in a while. I just haven't been particularly "fishy" in some time. The biggest reason for this is most likely because I came down with the flu, which developed into pneumonia over Thanksgiving as I foolishly tried to continue to work through the illness despite my symptoms.

This was me at work on "Black Friday"... trying to fight off a fever, chills, and lightheadedness.
I looked and felt like shit.

Pneumonia in Florida, who knew that was even possible?

So a good two weeks of fever, chills, night sweats, aches & pains, and coughing absolutely kicked my butt. I missed a week and a half of work (during "Cyber Week" our busiest time of the year) and was pretty much a mess spending my days in bed.

I lost almost ten pounds in the process, so while I was giving "fishing fitness updates" on the blog over the past few months, I don't think this unhealthy weight loss will (or should) be permanent. I weigh like 190 pounds at the moment, which is the lightest I've been in probably a decade.

Well, the good news is I'm finally feeling better and now I've got the itch to fish again. I didn't get out over this past weekend, but I received a new rod to play around with (a Dragontail/Nirvana 400 tenkara rod), so I'm hoping to at least hit a neighborhood pond or something in the not too distant future.

As for social media, blogs, and such, I haven't really been that active, but I'm looking forward to diving back in. So if you happen to see a flurry of comments on your recent posts from me, that's probably what's up, just catching up on what I've missed.

I've saved a few videos to watch, this one being one of the first. If you haven't seen it already, I hope you take a few minutes to check it out too. I mean it hardly gets better than Smoky Mountain brook trout... I can't wait to see a few in person again.


  1. Yay! Glad you are back amongst the living again! I too, have been extremely sick. A month long illness is almost coming to an end, I hope! Get out with that new stick and take some pics for us... :)

    1. Thanks RD, didn't realize you were sick too. Was that before or after getting stranded in Orlando? Hope you're feeling better! I'll do my best to get out there and take some photos, hopefully with a chunky bass.

  2. Get a flu shot? Interesting that some parts of the country plant Brookies and some parts consider them invasive species, like California. Personally I think it's probably the prettiest fish followed closely by Lightning Trout.

    1. I didn't this year, but I'll need to going forward. Not doing this nonsense again.

      Suppose the brook trout thing all comes down to the native fish. In the East, they are natives, revered, and put on a pedestal. Out West, I suppose not so much - it puts too many native Western species at risk. And you're right, tough to find a prettier freshwater fish than a brookie. Especially when it has that nice orange belly and white tipped fins.

  3. Michael
    I'm glad you've recovered; being sick is not a good way to lose weight. Pneumonia can be fatal especially for us older folks, which is one reason I get a pneumonia shot every year.
    My daughter and her family live about 3 hours from the GSM. We make at least one family trip there every year and you would think my son-in-law and I would do some fishing???? The video you posted is certainly a motivator to fish the Little River near Townsend this coming year. Glad you've back among the living!! Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Bill. If you get the chance, you need to fish GSMNP. It's just a wonderful fishery with sooooo much fishy water.

  4. I don't think it was the flu probably from watching the Eagles play. I've had the same phenomenon watching the Panthers this year. Glad you're feeling better.

    1. LOL! It's been a tough season this year, no doubt.

  5. Glad your health is back, and that you were able to share the brook trout video with us. Important work being done there in the Smokies!

    1. Thanks Walt, glad you enjoyed the video. I really love brookies.
