April 3, 2017

Georgia (Trout) On My Mind...

Haven't been trout fishing yet this year. A little birdie chirped in my ear that this weekend was regional"Opening Day" back in my old stomping ground of Southeastern Pennsylvania, so that definitely got me obsessing thinking about trout again. (Any of my SE PA readers get out this weekend?)

Anyway, looking at my upcoming schedule, the first chance I'm going to have to escape Florida in search of trout appears like it will be April 21-23, so that's the plan... and praying to the weather gods to keep things calm that weekend.

It should be a good opportunity to really stretch the legs on the new Confluence rod from Three Rivers Tenkara I picked up the other week. It's a two-length zoom rod that I'd like to do a solid review of here at some point. (If you can't wait for that, Tom Davis did a "dry" review recently as well).

I've already taken it out retention pond fishing in the neighborhood a little bit and liked what I've seen so far. While fishing for bass and bluegill with a tenkara rod will not really show how it will perform in a true high-gradient tenkara envornment, I'm looking forward to testing my/it's casting mettle on some more technical pocket water and whatnot.





  1. Nice thing about those little ponds in Florida, is they always have something in them that bite. Not necessarily fish.

    1. You're not kidding. Turtles, little gators, stuff is everywhere...

  2. I would hope that Colorado tied flies would work on those Bluegill and Bass. Now, for other things that bite, I am out of here. Good luck getting some April Trout fishing in..........

    1. We'll see Mel. Looking forward to giving them a go!

  3. A short stretch on local water is better than dreaming of time on far away trout water. Trust me.

    1. You're right. I still fish locally, I just have trout and cool, moving water imprinted on my soul.
      It's tough to spend too much time away.

  4. It's like recharging the batteries.....everything runs better after time on the water. Thanks for bringing us along.

  5. It's always fun to hear about your adventures when you get out trout fishing. It seems like such a long time ago. Owl said come on over and he'll show you some trout.

    1. I'm working on getting him on board for this trip. Owl's been a bit under the weather.

  6. Beautiful catches! Looks like a great day out...
