December 31, 2016

Troutrageous 2016 Year In Review

2016 was kind of an interesting year. Probably not one I will put on a pedestal, but not a horrible one either. Yeah, some things didn't work out the way they were supposed to, (draw your own conclusions with that statement), but in keeping with my "glass half full" outlook on life, there were a lot of super rad things that happened too.

The blog published 112 posts and went through a few identity changes, (probably not done with that yet). I don't think that's too shabby in terms of conjuring inspiration coming from a guy that is probably doing less and less fishing each year. But it's all about quality over quantity, and there was a ton of quality in 2016. Below are a handful of my favorite posts, those that summarize the year at a glance.

2016 started out well with the annual trip to chase shad on the St. John's River with Captain Rich Santos. Not only did we get into some shad, but I also caught my first "Sunshine Bass" hybrid. Rich is an excellent guide, and an equally capable photographer. I was happy he took so many photos to document the outing.

As a family, we did our fair share of exploring Florida. We're still relative newcomers, so there are plenty of things to see and do right in our own backyard. We visited a ravine, a lighthouse, went to Bass Pro, a wax museum, and even hopped on an airboat! Florida's beaches are great, but there's just so much more to see and do.

May was a fairly busy month, and believe it or not, I actually got a lot of trout fishing in! The month started off with a weekend in north Georgia chasing down some small stream rainbow trout. I really like that part of the Southeast, I need to make a point to get back more often. The end of May was just as good with a flight out to Wisconsin for the Midwest Tenkara Fest. The camaraderie was superb and the fishing was even better! Absolutely love the Driftless.
Wandering Back To The Driftless Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3

As I mentioned earlier, we adventured in Florida a little bit in 2016 as a family, however, we didn't stay in-state for our July summer vacation. Instead, we headed West, and did a nice multi-day bus tour of several of our National Parks. Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, & Grand Teton were the highlights, with several fun and interesting stops in between. The sights were absolutely unbelievable!

Not all of the year was spent traveling. Two of the more popular posts I wrote for the blog had nothing to do with fishing trips, vacations, or anything like that. In the first, (which I'll admit is a bit of self-pity post), I lamented the lack of trout in my Southern locale. The second simply highlighted the tenkara rods that I own/fish, because everybody likes a gear post.

Finally, October brought the Tenkara Jam in Cherokee, North Carolina. It was quite possibly my favorite fishing trip of the year because I not only got to pursue the wild trout of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park while it was in its beautiful fall colors, but I got to represent Tenkara Angler magazine at the Jam, really the first time the magazine went "on the road" to an organized event. I caught fish, saw old friends, made new ones... It was just awesome.

Now there were plenty of other things that took place on the blog in 2016, but in the interest of time, (I feel I've already overstayed my welcome), I'll leave it at that. I hope all of you are able to look back at your 2016s and pick out all of the fun, happy, and awesome moments too. Even if you didn't catch all the Pokemon fish, I know you had fun trying.

Happy New Year!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Gary. Good to see your name in the comments. Wishing you a great new year as well!

  2. Happy New year and see you at the MWTF.

    1. I hope so! Wisconsin might be a bit tricky, I hear it's the 20th this year, might have a conflict. We'll see! Either way, happy new year!

  3. Happy New Year to you, KC, and Lilly from Northern California.

    1. You too Mark. We still have to get out your way, long overdue.

  4. Happy New Year Mike. Thanks for all you do to help others.

    1. No sweat Howard, and thanks for the friendship. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  5. Mike your year looks good. And each year you can take a photo like the first one is a year to be put on a pedestal.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.

    1. You know, you're right. Making memories while the kid still wants to. Happy New Years Alan!

  6. Happy New Year, Mike and family, from all of us at Fly Tyin' Times. I appreciate all you do for our fly fishing blog world. May you experience many wonderful times with a fish on the end of your line in the coming year.

    1. Thanks Mel, happy New Years to you as well! Looking forward to a year of great posts from the Times!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Bill, you too! Was over at your blog, looks like you have some adventures planned. 2017 should be a banner year.

  8. Happy New Year! Wish you the best of luck in 2017.

  9. Looks like a good bunch of memories to launch into the new your with. My best to you in 2017 and enjoy your blog.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Ralph, appreciate it. Best to you in 2017!
