June 22, 2016

Of Rock & Riffle - Check It Out...

Gotta admit, I'm a little burned out. After spending the better part of the last week and a half putting together the latest issue of Tenkara Angler magazine, I don't have much flame flickering to write a blog post here, even though I've got ideas bouncing around in my head like ping pong balls. Troutrageous! will be the unintended short-term victim I suppose...

So in lieu of reading a new post from me, let me send you over to Adam Klags' blog "Of Rock And Riffle." His Tuesday post was a fantastic recollection of a recent fishing outing in the Adirondacks and well worth the visit/read. So many great photos, I guarantee you'll dig it, even if you don't care for tenkara...

I'll come back strong tomorrow. Maybe...


  1. I like reading Adam's blog and watching the pictures he takes when he is going fishing.

    1. I couldn't agree more, Adam does some great work.

  2. I wanted to give you a tip of my hat for the job you are doing with Tenkara Angler. Unfortunately, I lost my hat on my last trip out. Nice job anyway Mike.

    1. Thanks Howard, I'll take that hatless tip. Appreciate it.
