March 21, 2016

The Marsh Mysteries of Jarvis Creek

Just finished a weekend in Hilton Head, South Carolina. No, no fishing for me, rather some family time away from Jacksonville for a few days in a location we've never been to before. However that doesn't mean I can't find an angle to intertwine fishing, at least in abstract form.

On Sunday the weather was a little gray, so we spent the afternoon at the Coastal Discovery Museum, sprawling historic grounds that back right up to the marsh at Jarvis Creek. Long boardwalks allow you to walk through the marsh grass and observe wildlife both large and small without getting swallowed by the thick, dark mud.

There was an interesting sign at the beginning of the one boardwalk that spoke to "Marsh Mysteries," one of which being the resident redfish. Guess I shouldn't have left the rod at home...

Click Photo to Enlarge & Read More

Low Tide

Here's a map that shows exactly where we were at, should you ever be in the area, or interested to learn more...

Just look at all of those beautiful squiggly lines on the left hand side of the map!


  1. Just looking at those pictures, I can see myself sinking up to my knees 9or deeper) in that mud. Looks like a great place to explore though.

  2. Leave it to a biologist to find issues with that info graphic. I confess I have written and designed similar infographics in my career previously. First, what the heck is a "channel bass"? I thought that was just an antiquated name for a redfish... no longer in use. The only place I recall seeing that name is on the Sherman Denton chromolithographs that date to the turn of the last century- over 100 years ago. Second, the Diamondback Terrapin is not the only reptile found in that marsh. The info there makes it seem like an alligator would shrivel up and die if it stuck around for long... but I can assure you alligators do pretty well in and are a common sight in tidal influenced habitats. I wouldn't be surprised to see an alligator at all. Cottonmouths also could survive quite well in that habitat, maybe not for a really extended time period, but they are known to inhabit virtually all of the barrier islands of the southeast. How did they get there? They swam across a salty sea... they did not hitch a boat ride. I think the sign totally underestimates those two reptiles and their ability to survive in that marsh.

    1. Wow, some hardcore feedback on their infographic! Here's the contact info of the Coastal Discovery Museum; I'm sure they'll be looking forward to your call...

      Phone: 843 689 6767

  3. Thanks for the tour Mike. Thanks to Jay I won't be visiting anytime soon.

    1. Now, that I have made fun of him, I will say the same thing. Reason being... I do not have a good track record in mud!!!

  4. Looks like a fantastic river to fish. Salt marshes and estuaries are very productive for me.
