December 19, 2014

Win Costas For Christmas...

That was what the subject line of the email said.

Is it strange that I was scared to death to open it?

Fearing that I'd find this...

Frames ideal for sight casting toward pinkeye salmon....

Okay, so I just trotted out a 10 month old sight gag...(get it, sight gag?)...but seriously...I found it funny.
I do miss all of the Sochi hi-jinks...and also truly do have a phobia of sportscasters in miniature.

Oh, and by the way, you really can win Costas (del Mar, not Bob) for Christmas, the details are HERE.


  1. They help keep the sun out and your eyeballs in.

  2. Way to ruin a perfectly good giveaway! Bob Costas sucks.
