March 10, 2014

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...

That's what you do when you don't catch anything...but it's all good.

The weather was gorgeous this weekend (sorry all you up North) so I took the kayak out yesterday.  No fish this time - I may need to resort to trolling bait (yikes!) - but I do like the way the new Echo 3S throws line.  I'm not saying it's the be all, end all, but didn't realize how much I was laboring with the old rod until I gave this one a go.

Not much else to say, so I'll let the pictures below do the talking...


  1. Nice to see another buff user. Have you found a way to wear it that doesn't fog up your glasses? That drives me nuts.

    1. It was my first go with the Buff. They're kinda silly looking but taking the whole skin cancer thing seriously now that I'm in FL. Other than taking off my nose, no...and you're right, it is more than a little annoying.

  2. Thanks for sharing the beauty of the water in Florida with an ol' guy who hasn't had much chance to visit Florida. Love the pictures. Especially, what looks like a Peanut Butte and Jelly sandwich. As far as the buff goes:
    Fred: Say, who is that masked man?
    Wayne: Shoot, Fred, don't you know who that is.
    Fred: Nope
    Wayne: Well, Fred, that is the "Lone Kayaker"!
    Tee Hee!

  3. Is that a Towee skiff - the blue boat with the engine?

    1. Could be, but I doubt it. I don't recall seeing any particularly nice boats out there yesterday.

  4. Hi, I'm Juan. Even though you didn't get into any fish, still looks like a relaxing day!
