April 18, 2013

One Year Lived by Adam Shepard - eBook Offer

I was recently contacted by Adam Shepard, an author who put his "normal" life on hold for a year, traveled all around world, had all kinds of interesting experiences, and wrote a book about it called "One Year Lived."  The book will be released in paperback on April 22nd, but he's generously given my readers the opportunity to receive an electronic copy by sharing the word of it's release...but more on that in a bit...

So why should you be compelled to read this book about some random dude's "vacation?"  This isn't fishing...right?  I'll be honest, I was a skeptic myself...especially since the project was initially presented to me under the context that "Americans lack of travel breeds ignorance."  I mean c'mon, we're America, f#ck yeah, we're awesome...who needs to go to Nicaragua to understand that?

However as I read the book, the unique perspective gained from following Mr. Shepard's adventures (elephant riding in Thailand or sex on the beach in the Philippines anyone?) was not only entertaining, but also thought provoking.  I suppose his book is all about stepping outside of your comfort zone and using the world at large to gain context and perspective on yourself.  Life isn't just enriched only by money; life's experiences are what makes one wealthy.  Common sense to some, but unfortunately lost on many.

Yeah, heavier than usual concepts for a blog like this that tends to post pictures of chicks in bikinis with fishing rods...but believe me, this is not heavy reading, especially considering the author's style typically depicts events in an amusing way.

Like this...

See what I mean, not necessarily bland or boring stuff...

Anyway, if you're interested in getting an electronic copy of this book and reading about Adam's adventures from Guatemala to Slovakia and everywhere in between, all you have to do is the following.

1. Answer this question in the comments below:
"If you could go anywhere, where would you go & why?"
(I'd go to New Zealand for pristine water & BIG brown trout)

2. Share or repost this article in social media and pop me an email HERE with a link telling me so - I’ll reply with a link where you can download the book for free...but act quick, this is a limited time offer.

Easy enough...right?

You win, I win, & Adam Shepard wins.
It's a ménage à trois of "win" - which by the way is a pretty damn cool experience in itself...

I received a free electronic copy of One Year Lived, as well as the opportunity to share copies with my readers, directly from Adam Shepard.  Other than that, I currently hold no association whatsoever with Adam Shepard, but after reading his book, am pretty jealous of his adventures.


  1. Cheers Michael! Great post. Thank you for taking the time to share this with your readers. :)

  2. I would go to China to see the Great Wall. (Has no one else taken advantage of this? Seriously?)
