June 4, 2012

Birthday Fishing Recap

Before I begin, thanks to everyone for the well wishes this weekend in regards to my birthday, even my wife, who totally busted into my blog for the second year in a row.  I had a really fun day, the weather was nice, got in a little fishing, and spent some Daddy/Daughter time with Lilly.

So for the fishing...I'm not going to bore you with too many details.  On a normal day, I wouldn't have gone fishing on a day like Saturday.  The water was high, fast, and discolored (HFD) pretty much everywhere you went from some storms the night before.  I actually wanted to go out and fish the Perkiomen Creek, but it was really high and unfishable.

The walking path to the creek, recently "stoned," quite nice.

Instead I went back to ol' reliable, Valley, which usually clears and drops much quicker than the other water in the area.  Well...no dice.  Water was totally HFD at Valley too.  But since I was there, I figured I'd at least give it a shot.

Well, in 3 hours of fishing, I only lucked into one fish.  I actually caught it when I was walking through some really low branches from a creekside tree and just happened to have my tenkara line drifting in the water during the acrobatics.  When the line suddenly tightened I thought it was getting tangled in one of the low hanging limbs, but it actually hooked a fish.  What a nice birthday present.

Birthday Fish

After that, I headed home.  Short & sweet.  We ate dinner, had some birthday pie (not cake, pie), and Lilly & I decided to take advantage of the cool weather and clear night and camp out in the backyard.  

After a little Nintendo DS and reading of a Judy Moody book, we were both out cold by 10:30.

What a great way to spend a birthday.  What more could one ask for?


  1. Awesome day! I'm not gonna lie, I caught a brownie smaller than that this spring and I was thrilled to have it.

  2. You should try "not fishing" more often. Once you realize it's effectiveness, the romance of trying is swept away.

    Happy Birthday

  3. happy birthday. Gotta love Judy Moody. here's to another great year of comic posts from the T-rage-asaurous-rex.
