April 4, 2012

I Have Lost All Faith In Trout Unlimited

Yeah, I have some serious issues with Trout Unlimited right now.  I actually may consider rescinding my membership because those spinsters at TU are clearly misguided, to the point where they are openly lying to their members via print media.

See, in the Spring issue of TROUT Magazine, there was a little article about blogs written by an author I choose not to mention by name (for his own safety).  Within the article, there is an inset; "Ten Fly-Fishing Blogs You Should Check Out."

Crappy picture hijacked from Kyle Perkins' Facebook page

The list contains the all the usual suspects, like top notch and well-respected blogs like Subterranean Trout, Choldy Mum, and The Fiberglass Book Report, etc, etc...  but then smack in the middle happened to be this crappy blog.  Believe me, I could not make up a such a work of fiction, even if I wanted to.

Now while I'm used to Troutrageous! being honored by the prestigious academic community - Ivy League institutions such as the Sports Medicine Schools and Zen Colleges come immediately to mind, I can only believe the author of the article in TROUT Magazine was either jet lagged, hungover, or enjoying one of those funny little cigarettes when compiling this list.  Troutrageous! in a Ten Fly Fishing Blogs You Should Check Out....c'mon now!  An April Fool's joke perhaps?  Delusional journalism like this is nothing but reckless and irresponsible, and unfair to YOU the readers.

Geeze, after this list, can we really absorb anything TU puts into print without at least a hint of skepticism?  The next thing you know, they're going to try to convince you that the Pebble Mine thing is a necessary evil for the future of our country...I mean who would actually believe that.....?


  1. You are such a drama queen, Mike. Now if this list showed up in the FFF Flyfisher quarterly publication or The Drake, for that matter, then you might be able take issue.

    Congrats for the well deserved recognition.

    1. Drama queen...DRAMA QUEEN!?! Hmmph... *Throwing down mouse and storming away from the keyboard*

  2. What a #humblebrag. Seriously, congrats on getting mentioned. You have an awesome blog and people who aren't reading it need to be.

    1. I appreciate your kind comment on what is clearly a vanity post. *As I pat myself on the back*

  3. Saw that yesterday. See how good this is for trout fishing? Congrats, Mike!

    1. Thanks Jay, but I fear trout fishing will never recover from this development. It will only create a generation of copycat narcissistic tenkara anglers who insist on writing blogs about 10" and under trout.

  4. I have to agree with you, Mike. Their exclusion of Basstastic was an obvious oversight.

    1. Right? Which reminds me...that blog needs an update or three.

  5. I guess that just makes you the star among us. We bow to your greatness.


    1. When commenting in the future, please refer to me as "Kind & Generous Overlord" - failure to do so will result zero acknowledgment of your presence.

  6. Geez - they must have missed my crappy blog when doing this in-depth analysis and recommendation. Obvious indicators for teh oversight include: lack of content, lack of readable content, total lack of fly fishing content, ... the list goes on.

    But - I think it's because I don't have any pictures of Lilly on my blog, and the cat pictures only appeal to a certain group of odd cat-folk.

    Congrats on your world wide recognition - and to think I knew you back when you were just a Valley Ck fisherman.


    1. It was definitely the cats. That's why I stopped reading your blog...

  7. Congrats oh King and Generous Overlord.....

    1. Thank you Steven. You are a quick learner and have been spared.

  8. Hope it now forces you to raise your standards for your blog! :) Seriously Mike, that is outstanding!!! Happy for you. Trourageous! is always on my reading list. Great Job, Keep it up!

    1. If anything, this only encourages me to maintain low standards, and possibly strive to go lower. As a matter of fact, I think I need to go find a picture of a bikini-clad fly fisher lady to post ASAP, it's something that's long overdue.

  9. TU hasn't sent me my member benefits yet, and i joined in Jan. I called, they were like "oh sorry they were mailed out Mar 9." Called again, they said it was mailed March 24, then finally someone said they never mailed it, so he said it'll take 4-6 weeks to come. Oh my, oh my oh my....

    1. Sorry about that, sounds like you have a legit beef. That said, let me know when you lead to march on TU's headquarters. I'll bring the cans of silly string.

  10. I feel I owe you at least 10 more visits, since you sent me the T! stickers. After that, I'm sure my attention will be focused else....squirrel!

    Congrats, man!

    1. Those stickers are worth about 3 Confederate dollars. Cash out and we'll call it a day.

  11. Well congrats Mike. They obviously didn't base the list on good looks or Emily, Erin and I would have been included!

    1. Ain't that the truth. You 3 are the "Charlies Angels" of blogdom.

  12. I hereby rescind my clearly hormonal nomination of T! from this list... I was obviously suffering from some sort of deluded notion...

    Seriously... it sucks when you're influential, huh?

    You made your influential bed... now you have to live up to it ;)

    And.. for clarity ... it's not a TU list... just some list compiled by the braindead author ...

    Congrats, my friend. You earned it.

    1. Sorry you're having problems dealing with menopause. I hear from my mother-in-law that those hot flashes are brutal.

      Thanks for inclusion on the list. Guilty as charged.

  13. Yeah, it was a shame, a damn shame. What will unsuspecting TU members think when they click over here and find- wrestling videos? I understand your incredulity. Congrats Mike.
