April 16, 2012

Damn I've Been Quiet

So no post since last Thursday.  Yeah, I just didn't feel like writing anything.  I also haven't done any fishing lately either...we haven't had a good rain in these parts for weeks and the water levels are extremely low.  Too low for mid-April if you ask me, but what you gonna do?

Well, I'll tell you what I did instead of fishing (or blogging)...  

I bought a new tenkara rod.  Because nothing compensates for not fishing better than buying more fishing stuff.

I power washed bird crap off my roof.  They live behind my shutters.  Good work outta them.

I ate 3 Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco Supremes.  I should have ordered 12.

I schemed a fishing trip to a new and exotic location in the beginning of May.  

I took the dog for a walk in the park.  He tried to take a leak every 10 feet.

I got recruited for a top secret fishing trip on the side while out in Utah for that tenkara thingy.

I EZ Seeded and Turf Builded...or is it Turf Built?  No red-headed Scotsman appeared.  

I went to the grand opening of a cupcake shop....what?...yeah, I really did.

Do you guys care?  No.  I just felt like writing something, so deal.

Fishing returns tomorrow.  Maybe...


  1. Great Smokies, eh? Been seriously considering taking a trip there, but haven't pulled the trigger. Make your way a little closer to Nashville and I can show you some streams that don't have any fish in them.

    1. Sounds good George. As long as there's beer, who needs fish?

  2. Thank you. You know it was killing me. :) LOL

  3. I think its Taco Bell for lunch today...the power of suggestion! If you would take the dog for a walk more often, he might have to go less...just sayin'!

    1. Hope you went Doritos Locos...with a side of Cinnamon Crispas. The dog gets out plenty...too much if you ask me. He's got an extra tank or something.

  4. Remember the Golden Rule of Silence: If you don't have anything to say, don't say it. Now leave me alone.

    1. Hasn't some 4 year old caught you on a hunk of Velveeta yet?

  5. Two trips and a taco!?? Well played...

    Is it just me or has fishing been #$#% lately around these parts?

    1. I wouldn't know. Haven't been out since Opening Day. That said, considering there's no water in the creeks, I can't imagine stellar fishing.
