November 28, 2011

Mishmosh Monday to Get Caught Up

Since this post is going to be totally random, I know it should really be an installment of the Nibbles, but that's a Wednesday thing...

So I haven't really written anything in a while.  Yeah, I suck.  If I can't bring it, I'm not gonna bring it.  That's the deal.  While I'm not gonna be a Mr. Whiney-Pants about it, I do have my reasons for going AWOL like JCVD in Lionheart.

1.  Work has been kicking my ass.  I work in internet retail...which can be as brutal this time of year as normal brick & mortar retail.  I mean the doors never close and company-provided smartphones provide no escape!  Plus we moved offices last week, and with such a move, nothing in terms of technology seemed to work right.  My laptop is still not hooked up to our "network," but I digress...

2.  An extended bouz.  Bouz?  Yeah, that's what the Japanese refer to as "being skunked."  I had gone a few weeks without catching any fish...even using my magical tenkara rod.  Doesn't make for inspiring writing material.

3.  Thanksgiving.  It's difficult to type when all you're doing is feeding your face.  And we had visitors from out of town.  So when work wasn't kicking my ass, I tried to spend time with them.  Even though I did a poor job of it.

So with that out of the way...what else was I up to?  Here's a quick rundown, just to get all of you caught up and set the table for the rest of the week.

Fly Tying Show - Yeah, headed up to Somerset, NJ for the International Fly Tying Symposium a week or so ago.  What's a fly tying symposium you might ask?  Basically a bunch of dudes sitting at tables tying flies while people walk around and watch them do such.  I know...I know...not everyone's cup of tea, but it was actually pretty fun and some of the patterns will serve as good inspiration for future ties.  Heck, I even knew some of the "celebrity tyers" from their blogs, like Ulf Hagström and Gaeron Friedrichs.

Example of dude at table.  Not Ulf or Gaeron, actually John Klemm Jr.

Fishing the Little Lehigh - I also happened to carpool to the show with Mike aka Dub the Thorax & Matt aka The Functioning Fishaholic.  Those two are both big time "don the headsets and talk trash while blowing people up gamers" while they conversed about that during the car ride to and fro, I just reminisced about playing Contra on the NES.  Mike also took Matt & I fishing on the Little Lehigh after the show.  He caught fish, we didn't.  It was fun though, and chalk it up to my lack of skill rather than his poor guiding.  I'll be back at some point, at the very least to stick a T! sticker somewhere...

The motley crew at the kiddie pool

Christmas Shopping - Lilly doesn't read this blog...why would she when her computer time is spent at Club Penguin or Moshi Monsters?  So I feel comfortable saying that I did the heavy lifting of her Christmas shopping this past week.  And by heaving lifting I mean ordering stuff from Toys R' Us online and picking them up at a local store to save on shipping.  She's getting THIS, THIS, & THIS from Mom & Dad Santa...or more truthfully, from the advertising money that Online Hunter Safety Course paid me for putting their link on my site.

Thanksgiving - As I mentioned, friends from Texas came to spend the holiday with us this year.  It was great to have them for a few days, and I loved having them in the house, even though the j-o-b dealt me a cruel blow on Thanksgiving making me log on and work several hours from home.  Anyway, I know Lilly had a blast hanging out with her "cousins" and I can't wait to see them again!

Gear Testing - I've been testing some gear that people have been heaping on me by the handful as of late.  I mean like I'm going to say no?  So keep an eye out for some reviews of RedRam thermal underwear, Margaritaville Polarized Sunglasses, & the Orvis Fly Fishing App.  I know I'm not special or anything, as I've seen similar reviews from others elsewhere, I just need to hold up my end of the deal.  Oh, I also owe Make It Urz a tip of the cap by way of a post for something they sent my way recently.

Fly Tying - I spent the majority of the other night tying flies and re-filling my nymph box with some more beadhead princes in sizes 16 & 18 (my favorite).  Coincidentally, cp's blog tossed up a video tutorial on how to tie them.  Now beadhead princes are one of the few flies I can competently tie, but I saw his post go up while I was writing this one, so I thought it was a good excuse to pimp it.  All about the blog love.  It's good karma.

Fishing - Oh, and I went fishing yesterday.  Needed to wipe off some skunk.  I slept in and got a late start, but traffic on the water wasn't as bad as I thought it might be considering it was a balmy 65 degrees outside.  I didn't catch a ton (what else is new), but caught enough to leave happy and be in a good mood for what is going to be an unforgiving work week.  Bring it!

Always find the small ones to be the prettiest


  1. T! as for #2,get your butt done here once! lots of trees,and roots where I wanna take you this time! Sure I can find cha some sweet trout to satisfy your blah's!

  2. Oh Forgot,you know me,always "on to something"! LOL

  3. Mighty well-rounded of you sir.

    One of the things I have always admired and appreciated about trout vs. other species: they don't wake up early. They're a very civilized fish.

    Good on ya!

  4. An "extended" bouz?? Mine is now measured in months, soon to be years. UUGGHH

  5. I think you left something out didn't you? I wasn't able to record it ( should have taken a pic I guess) but about 10 minutes into the Eagles game last night they show this guy in the stands laughing/cheering and I would SWEAR that it was you. If I had your phone number, I'd have called you to check for sure. Guy looked just like you. Anyone else see that? PS - awesome "catch up" post. Everything you write is good, even when you're not trying. I hate you. :)

  6. I think you should rate your fish by comparing them to your finger length. That would be cute.

  7. do you smell that? whatever it is, it isn't the stench of skunk.

  8. Hi, Mike. Just wanted to commend you for a swell job of catching us up on what you have been doing. I agree, your hands are full this time of year. Happy (hard working) holiday season. I know Lilly is going to be one happy girl come Christmas.

  9. @spurky
    Looking forward to the next time we fish together.

  10. @Gary Thompson
    Agreed, the only reason to go out early is to beat the crowds!

  11. @Wolfy
    Yeah, but I've seen your blog. You're shooting stuff. That's cooler in many ways.

  12. @Dub The Thorax
    No problem. Fish have been caught, all is well in the world again.

  13. @Owl
    Wasn't me. Must have been the Cake Boss.

  14. @Clif
    I don't rate nor count my fish. The only thing I count is myself lucky for having one stumble on my line.

  15. @Mel
    Thanks for the kind words. There is no doubt Lilly is going to enjoy her Christmas.

  16. oh ya guess it is my turn to come up and fish valley,once u know what is done and get ok. just reserve a streamside seat,and let the trout whisperer do his magic!..............they do speak american trout..........yes?
