July 20, 2011

Wednesday Nibbles - Cheapskates Edition

Hey yo.  Time for the Nibbles.  I got what 'chu want...literally.

Why do I say this?  That little sticker giveaway I did last week went obscenely viral yesterday.   Yeah, at like 11:00 AM this website called Free Stuff Times let all of their readers know that I (& interestingly enough Los Angeles Bike Polo???) were giving away free stickers...unfortunately, they didn't realize I stopped giving them out to the masses last Saturday.
Once upon a time this title said " Free Troutrageous & Los Angeles Bike Polo Stickers"...fer real!

So I got out of a work meeting at 11:23 AM and had over 80 bottom feeding trolls (many disproportionately hailing from WV & TN for some reason) emailing me wanting free stickers...and it only got worse when that post was then linked to Fat Wallet.com, and then other places like THIS, THIS, and THIS.  If it was like 8 or 10 folks I would have obliged, but I gave up counting once it went over 150.  I basically politely told all of them to f*ck off and enjoy their LABP stickers...and thanks for all of the web traffic...yeah, bring it on Better Business Bureau.

Okay...enough of that.  Did you see THIS?

Wow, right?  Now do yourself a favor and watch it again.  That deer not only got taken out by one car, but it actually got hit by the other one first launching it into the main car.  Crazy...or fake...probably both.

Removing dams is kinda trendy these days right? Yeah, I know...Patagonia's all over that shit. Question - If there's no more dams, what are all of the opening day trout anglers going to fish beneath? But I digress...
The dam goes boom

Anyway, seems up in the Lehigh Valley the Wildlands Conservancy and Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission want to remove not one, but two dams on the Lehigh River. That would not only open up passage for runs of fish (namely shad), but it would also create some sort of world-class whitewater course for kayakers. I was just amused by the fact that the article used the local McDonald's as one of the points of reference when describing where said course would reside. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere...
Wanna go on a boat ride kids?

Okay on to fly rods...a few months ago I told you about the Hardy Zenith winning the Yellowstone Angler's 5-Weight shootout.  Well, the 8-Weight shootout is done and the G. Loomis NRX was the winner, edging out the TFO BVK (that's a lot of letters) by a nose.

Did I mention the G. Loomis is a $760 rod and the TFO is a $250 rod?  Just thought I'd toss that in...you know, if you're shopping around for an 8-weight.

Finally, time for blog love.  I'm going to a familiar face, although one relatively new to blogging.  Stu of Stu's Fly Shop fame's got a blog that apparently started in June.  Stu's writing style is great...very funny...especially considering he's from NZ and I can't always decipher some of the slang or references used.  Actually, that kind of makes it funnier.
Pillaging craft stores for tying materials - a tradition honored worldwide

Check out Stu's blog HERE if you have a chance...he's currently blogging about a recent swing through the U.S., so it's interesting to see what someone from halfway around the world thinks of American fly fishing.

NOTE:  As I was writing this post I received 6 more sticker solicitations.


  1. I know that guy with big feet in the boat!

    "Free" is a magic word ...

  2. I'll trade stickers with you when I get fresh ones made. I know why I want your stickers, but not sure why the clicking masses would want them, other than that they're free. As for the deer- I witnessed almost the same thing, except the deer in question almost landed on my hood. It was a spectacular launch, and the deer landed curled up on the side of the road and never moved again.

  3. I doubt that the deer accident is fake. I had a similar experience in high school except I was the first car that hit a doe. Most of the deer went in one direction and the left hind leg from the hip down did a little helicopter action onto a car coming in the opposite direction. Then the craziest thing happened the deer was trying to run away on three legs! Not exactly something I care to repeat.

  4. My mother likes to tease me that I'm "crafting" when I tie. ;) There was a deer/car incident in my canyon. Early morning sun, the driver couldn't see a thing. The guy hit the doe, she spun (new meaning to "spinning deer hair) up in the air like pizza dough, landed back on the highway and took off up the mountainside. Weirdest thing.

  5. I just checked out stu's fly shop blog and it looks like a great blog.

  6. You're giving away free stickers?! Can I get a few? I'll Send out an email to my old school list serves as well letting them know. I'm also trying to contact News of the World but I can't seem to get a response :)

  7. Mike, whatever you do, don't tell Owl about your new wonderful way to drive up readership...he'll be all over it. Oh...that redheaded guy kind of creeps me out.

  8. Northern California, hitting a deer is almost a staple of life. Lived up here 7 years, hit 4 deer so far. Trust me, they come out of nowhere. The driver was lucky it didn't end up in the front seat. Saw that one too. By the way, the first Ronald McDonald was Willard Scott. You know, the weather guy from??? Hell I don't know, somewhere.


  9. Am I too late for a free sticker?

  10. @Quill Gordon
    Yes it is. Especially when followed by "Food"

  11. @Fontinalis RisingSend me your address and I'll get some out for you. Maybe send you some LA Bike Polo stickers too.

  12. @George
    Stu's blog is good stuff. Only the best in blog love.

  13. @d. nash
    That's because the phone number for News of the World starts with 1-888 not 1-800. People make that mistake all the time.

  14. @Cofisher
    Amen on Owl. I like the redhead's french fries.

  15. @Shoreman
    We get a lot of deer in PA too. My brother in law actually bought the family "deer whistles" to mount on the car last X-Mas after the S-I-L hit a deer earlier in the year. For whatever the reason my whistles are still in the packaging.

  16. @Clif
    Does the U.S. mail make it to Peoria?

  17. @troutrageous1 That reminds me...mark the envelope "not junk mail."
