July 22, 2011

It's A T! Party

That first batch of T! stickers has appeared to have made the rounds and are getting stuck.  I'm getting new pictures seemingly daily via email & various social networks in different settings...with them affixed mostly to car windows....but not always.

Here's a quick recap of what's come in to date...
(Actually I already posted the first two HERE)

This one is from the infamous Cofisher of Windknots & Tangled Lines infamy...definitely enjoy the nice company.
This T! is affixed to George's fly box.
He was even kind enough to write a blog post about it on his blog WILD FLY 365.
Speaking of blog posts, Bruce at Outfitted for Life wrote one about his fondness for stickers too.
This T! happens to be on his mobile fly tying station.
Mark, a loyal (& local) Facebook fan threw the T! up on the back of his Ford pickup.
I just hope the Sirius dog doesn't have to go #2 anytime soon.   
Good ol' original blog buddy Mel from Ass Backwards Angler gave the T! honors not only once on his FishMobile...
...but his gear bag too.  (Hope there's a sandwich or something in there, I'm getting hungry)
Finally, Brookman Trout of A Greenhorn Anglers Fishing Blog added the T! to this existing menagerie...
...to which I'll show the full back of the car for full effect!

So first off, thanks everyone for flying the T! flag.  If you've got stickers and haven't snapped a photo yet, please do and send it over!  I've added a tab to the blog of all the pictures submitted.

If you don't have your T! stickers yet...let the heat cool down on this bad boy for a little bit...then I'll unleash them on the world again.

In the meantime, Happy Friday.  I hope everyone enjoys their weekends and tries not to melt in this ridiculous heat.


  1. oh man, my tags are about to expire!!

  2. They look great, Mike. Thanks for your kindness and support of my blog. Hope the sticker brings a long some fish mojo!

  3. @Mel
    Thanks for the years (yes it's been that long) of support!
