July 5, 2011

All Hail Caesar

Our family lost our pug Caesar today.

He started showing outwards signs of being ill over the long July 4th weekend.  He couldn't urinate, wouldn't eat or drink, and simply wasn't himself.  I took him to the vet on Saturday morning and they thought it was an infection, prescribed some antibiotics, and sent a sample out for tests.  He didn't improve.

Still acting erraticly, K.C. & Lilly took Caesar to the vet today while I was at work.  I received the news around 3PM that he was gone.  Rather than an infection, an x-ray confirmed a large tumor blocking his urinary tract.  Too large to be removed, it was also too invasive for the vet to be able to provide him with any level of comfort in the short term.  

This is where today remains really hard, and still stings quite a bit.  Not getting to give my final goodbyes is eating at me.  My wife did the right thing, not allowing him suffer any longer, but I am honestly heartbroken about not being there to hold his paw and stroke his belly, look him in the eyes and reassure him everything was going to be okay one last time.  It may be selfish to want, no, need that sort of closure, but he was not only my dog, he was my first dog, and loyal friend for the last 9 years.

I've read several posts over the last few years where bloggers have written about the untimely passing of their pets...be it dog, cat, whatever.  I'm usually taken aback by how well those pieces are written, including flowing prose, wonderful adjectives, humorous recollections, enough to bring a smile to the face of anyone that reads them.  

Unfortunately, I'm not a very gifted writer, rather one that at best converses on an middle school level and with a certain degree of potty mouth.  I'm more of a pictures & video kind of blogger, so that's what I'll do here...because the words aren't coming easily.  It's too hard to type while wiping aside all these damn tears.

Caesar & his favorite "tug of war" toy - the purple Teletubby

The Teletubby in action...he even put up with toddler Lilly.

This was Caesar's chair at our first house.  People didn't sit in this chair, only Caesar.
It was also a prime spot to look out the window and wait for us to get home.
Caesar didn't like to get groomed.  When you brushed him, he'd playfully try to gnaw your hand off...
...or your foot

Tortillas were his favorite food.  He went nuts for them.

What's a true Caesar without his toga and crown?
Wanna play?

Maybe it's better that I didn't get to say goodbye.
Goodbyes are so final, and I know I'll see you again someday Caesar.
And when I do I'll bring the tortillas, I promise.
You always were my good boy.

Love ya bud.


  1. What a great dog! I'm sorry for the loss for the whole family. :(

  2. losing a pet is always had. caesar seemed like a hell of dog. cheers to caesar. may he be hailed.

  3. *correction - always hard...not had.

  4. That sucks! Pets are always hard on the heart in the end. I've had the honor of being there for a few dogs during their last moments but it's never easy seeing friends go. I wish you and the family the best.

  5. I managed to hold it together until the end. Having been there myself, there is a certain closure and blessing to be able to say goodbye to any loved one. Unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way. Judging by the photos and video (hilarious)I suspect that Caesar knew how you felt.

  6. Terrible news, there is nothing I can say accept that I'm feeling your pain.

    Your family gave not only delicious tortillas, you gave Caesar the best life a dog could hope for.

  7. So sorry, my friend. They are a part of the family and their loss cuts deep. Wilderness Dog Sammy, at 11, is starting to show the years and it breaks my heart to think about a home without him. Remember the good times.

  8. Sorry to hear it. Lost ours 5 months ago. Been a tough year for dogs and 30-something owners :( Each day will get better.

  9. Really feeling for you and the family during this loss of a family member (the four legged kind). You will see Caesar again up around the bend. Until then, comfort comes in knowing that Caesar is free of pain and looking down from Heaven's window waiting for you to come home.

  10. I'm really sorry for your loss Mike. I've always had dogs , so I've lost several over the years and I know how you're feeling. Let me just say that it's better to have had a good dog and lost him than to never experience the joy that they bring into our lives.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. This is a tough one. I have been in your shoes before and it ain't easy. Things will get better but in the mean time just know he is not suffering and you did the right thing.

  12. Hi Mike. There is never an easy way to lose a pet especially one who was with you so long. Since we lost Smudge, life in the household is just not the same. Even getting new kittens to keep Jasper company, there is still that "hole" in our life. I'm sorry for your loss and I feel your pain.


  13. Very sad news, Mike. I, like you, don't know what to say in times like these. Caesar had an awesome life, and you were an awesome doggy dad - remember those fun grooming sessions and the happiness gained from a tortilla when the sadness seems to be too much.


  14. Hang in there Mike and Family. It's never easy losing something you love so much. There will always be a missing feeling but it gets more bearable with time.

  15. My condolences on the loss of Caesar! It's never an ideal situation. I've lost six pets over the years and it never got any easier. Thanks for sharing the photos and video!

  16. i'm so sorry for you and your family. and i feel your pain of not being able to be there for a final goodbye. sharing a few tears with you...

  17. So sorry to hear this Mike. My thoughts are with you and the family. I absolutely love the photo/video tribute. Well done.

  18. Sorry about your loss. Caesar looks like he was a very happy dog. I am sure you will see him again someday. Best Wishes.

  19. I was listening to this stupid radio interview the other day between a radio personality and some PETA idiot. The context of the conversation had something to do with building a case for how cruel it is for humans to own dogs. While I would personally want to forgo the neutering, a dogs life ain't bad, evidence by the footage of Caesar's life with your family. If there's such a thing as reincarnation, I'm coming back as a fly shop dog. I'm very sorry for your loss. It's funny how deeply these creatures can crawl into our lives. I'm sure you're all going through a tough time with Caesar's passing and I feel for you.

  20. Mike- so sorry man. A good dog is a good dog. I've never been a dog person (mine always died young and oddly). I wish you the best, and I'm glad you had the little emperor to make your life sweeter. Hang in there.


  21. Man, I'm really sorry to hear that Mike. Your post was a great tribute to him.

  22. Sorry to hear about your loss Mike. They are family for sure. I know how it feels to lose them. Hang in there.

  23. Sorry to hear about Caesar. I know it must be tough to lose such a good friend. wish you all the best. Hail Caesar.


  24. Hey, just wanted to thank everyone for the comments and kind sentiments. While we're still in shock, focusing on all of the laughter & fond memories Caesar brought to our family has made the mourning process a lot easier.
