May 10, 2011

Commentary & Giveaway: Tie-Fast Combo Tool

About a year ago I came to the realization that I needed a pair of nippers. I was one that used a small multi-tool or my teeth to cut line, and well, between all the time wasted folding & unfolding said multi-tool, as well as that little birdie in my ear chirping that my dentist wouldn't be pleased with my dental abuse, I broke down and dropped $16 on a set of nippers.

Tie-Fast Combo Tool - More Than Meets the Eye

What I actually ended up buying was a bit more than a set of 99 cent fingernail clippers. I picked up the Tie-Fast Combo Tool, set of nippers with some sharp blades but also contain an eye cleaner, hook sharpener, and best of all a mini version of the Tie-Fast knot tyer. (If there's an easier way to tie a nail knot, I can't think of it.) Best of all, this widget (like all of Tie-Fast's tools) is made right here in the USA just like Hacksaw Jim Duggan. So suck it China.


With all those great selling points, I know you've now got a bad case of nipper envy. Who wouldn't?  So here's where the giveaway comes into play courtesy of the folks at Sierra Stream & Mountain, makers of Tie-Fast Tools & J. Fair's Eagle Fly Tying Supplies.

All I'm asking you to do is one (or all) of the following acts below and comment in the comments section of this post for each one you complete.  The more you do the more entries you get.  Don't worry, none of them involve writing "Tie-Fast Combo" Tool on your chest in Sharpie, and I have a feeling if you're reading this, you've probably already done most of the work already.

1. Become a Google Friend Connect Follower of Troutrageous! at the top right of this page
2. Go to Facebook & "Like" Troutrageous!
3. Go to Twitter & "Follow" Troutrageous!
4. Go to the Sierra Stream & Mountain website, read about a product other than the Tie-Fast Combo tool, and comment back here a feature of that product
5. Go to Facebook & "Like" Sierra Stream & Mountain.

Note:  When you comment, please write one individual comment for each task. If you do them all you will have written 5 separate comments.  Get it?  Those are your multiple entries.  Although not required, including your email address in your comments will ensure I can contact you if you are a winner.

The contest will close at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, Sunday, May 22, 2011 (aka late Saturday night).  The winner will be chosen via RNG and announced on Monday, May 23, 2011.

Easy enough? I thought so.  This isn't meant to be challenging, so have fun with it.
And guess what, Tie-Fast has agreed to toss in a retractor too. It must really be your lucky day.

A retractor by any other name is just a zinger


  1. SSM makes a wading boot called the Redside with interchangeable soles.

  2. Any chance they could throw in a tippet spool holder? I haven't got one and it looks handy with those dual clips!

  3. Likes Sierra Stream & Mountain

  4. Skitta-ma-rinky-dinky-dink
    I like you.... on facebook.

  5. I am a sucker for comfy shoes and environmentally friendly merchandise, so the Korker Fisherman Moc are right up my alley. It is under products and wading boot section at SSM's.

    Sweet comfy goodness surrounding the pads of my toes. David likes.

  6. I'll comment but only to let others know what I already know - the Sierra Stream and Mountain Ty-Fast is one of the very few indispensable tools I own. And I own multiples of them. They ROCK, and the owners are terrific people.

    If you pick my response, pick another one and let them enjoy the Ty-Fast

  7. Entered via FB , and " Sharp nipping jaws to keep your knots clean " - the Tie-Fast Clippers (sounds like a team name for AA sports)

    Don't have time to submit multiple entries , so here goes my salute to dumb luck :)

  8. Put me down for a Like and a Follow!

  9. Always love a contest, Mike. I have been a follower of Troutrageous Blog forever it seems!

  10. Also, enjoy Troutrageous over on Facebook.

  11. Just hit the "like" button over on SSM on Facebook. Thanks for pointing them out!

  12. Being a one time avid flyfisher, I can testify to how well the Tie Fast Knot Tool worked for me. Blood Knot made simple! Like all of their tools over on their website.

  13. Sorry Mike, No Twitter for this ol' guy!

  14. Hey Mike, just so you know, I already own two pair. I love em. I know there is no way I paid that much for mine, but whoever wins them will really like them a lot.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Liked troutrageous FB. (I always jump the gun without reading it all.)

  17. Became a Google Friend Connect Follower of Troutrageous!

  18. "Like" Sierra Stream & Mountain on Facebook

  19. I really like the TFO pro series, I think i would get a 5wt 10' 4 pieces

  20. I had one of these tools as a Christmas present and already lost it on the stream. I want a new one!

  21. The Fish Detective Ball Indicators ( from Sierra Stream and Mountain look interesting. Has anyone tried these?

  22. I subscribed on YouTube too!

  23. 1. Google friend and follower for Troutrageous
    2. Facebook like for Troutrageous
    3. Twitter follower for Troutrageous
    4. Sierra Stream has Grizzly maraboo that makes killer buggers when paired with grizzly hackle and flash chenille
    5. Facebook like for Sierra Stream

  24. i already had drunk the cool-ade and followed

  25. liked S&M. I mean...not S&M but S&M.... well, you know what I mean.

  26. I have a tie fast tool on my chest pack. When I built a lanyard, I got a Loon nipper that has a tie-fast tool built in. Not that I couldn't use another -- I'd give it to my wife.

    I do like the Lanyard the tie-fast folks make -- it looks like it would be really comfortable on the back of your neck.

    That's it for me -- can't get to FB from behind the office firewall, and I just don't trust that Google follower thingy.

    Thanks, Mike.

  27. I liked them on Facebook. I'm so good, I only need one entry, sucka. ;)


  28. Following Sierra Stream on facebook (Rust Hawk).

  29. Following you on facebook (Rust Hawk).

  30. Twitter follower (and I am going tweet this for you too) @rusthawk.

  31. GFC follower. Thanks for the heads-up!

  32. Added to Google Friend Connect :-) @martyngleaden

  33. Following "Troutrageous" @martyngleaden

  34. The "Fish Detective" Teardrop Indicators on are a "must-have" for anglers. Three sizes, two color choices (yellow or red) and cheaper than constantly buying floatant for an indicator fly...

  35. Sierra Stream and Mountain liked on FB

  36. Became a google blog follower

  37. Facebook "Like" Troutrageous check

  38. Twitter Follow Troutrageous check. Follow back @MWflyfishing

  39. Checked out the J. Fair premium hackle at Sierra Stream & Mountain. Looks like the chicks bought it out.

  40. Went to Facebook & "Like" Sierra Stream & Mountain.

  41. 4-for-4....Glad they carry the Korkers Metalhead boots. I have wanted those since they came out. Replacing felt soles.

  42. Just check out the Sierra Stream and Mountain Tie-Fast Knot Tyer tool. The video show's how fast you can tie a nail knot.

  43. Like Sierra Stream and Mountain products on Facebook and posted a comment.

  44. I think I'm already following troutrageous,

  45. I like Troutrageous on Facebook

  46. SSM's Combo tool has a hook sharpner!

  47. I already stalk you via google friend, my friend

  48. I already likey, like you on Facebook....

  49. And I already follow your sweet tweets on Tweeter.... Twitter... Twatter, what ever the heck it is ;)

  50. I am most definitely a google Troutrageous follower!

  51. Already following on Google Blogger. Those look sweet as apple pie.

  52. I like Troutrageous on Facebook.
