February 5, 2011


It's late, I'm tired, and have nothing. So video filler time...

The take is at about 1:20 and the landing starts at about 4:00 should you want to skip ahead.
I'm not claiming the fight's awesome, but it's a nice chunky rainbow at the end of the line.

FISKERESOR.NU. I just like typing that. I think it's a guide service of some sort, but I'm not sure.  Swedish words are so funny.


  1. As much fun to say as type. Rolls right off the tongue.

  2. You're right, chunky little Rainbow.


  3. I am not a master fisherman, but wouldn't that fight have been like a minute shorter had this gentleman moved downstream of the chunky rainbow and used geometry and physics in his favor.

    That being said, a very enjoyable POV fishing video. Is it spring yet?

  4. Sweet Video, I wanted it to have music though.. maybe some backwoods guitar pickin?

  5. Great video!

    It's swedish for "fishingtrips.now"

  6. Michael
    Just watched the video, and it goes to show you if you have a little patience you can get the hit. I noticed how many casts it took to get te trout to take the dry. The play on this trout was to perfection. I wish I could be on the water today. All next week here in Jasper is in the med 30's and snow for the weekend, unreal in the south. Thanks for sharing

  7. Great video, I love to say chunky!

  8. Hello! Thanks for the link...

    We have another POV film from river Tweed if you liked this movie.


    Best Regards

    Mattias Helde / fiskeresor.nu
