January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

It's kind of "the thing" to do around New Year's to write a list of resolutions or goals for the upcoming year.  While I'm not against that, life likes to get in the way of a lot, even your most well thought out plans, so I've always been hesitant to making lists like this.  It's kind of like setting yourself up for failure.  That noted, I thought I'd give it a shot this year.  I'll try to keep them brief, and if you only read one paragraph, I'm hoping it will be the last one.

Screw you Hobbes.

#1.  Fish New (or Different) Water
As you might have noticed from my fishing reports, most of the fishing I do is no more than a half hour drive from my front door.  While this is convenient, it's also limiting.  I'll also be honest, having a young daughter and a wife that gets "burned out" from taking care of her all week kind of makes me want to stay close to home on the weekends and do my share.   I'm not saying I have to do a "trout-bum" cross country fishing tour, but getting out of Montgomery & Delaware counties might be nice for a change.

#2.  Lose a Few More Pounds
I actually already started this goal, and it's not an uncommon one for New Year's resolutions.  I wrote a post about starting this process this past Summer, and since then I've lost (and for the most part kept off) 15 pounds (the holiday season was tough).  My clothes fit better, I generally have more energy, and I've probably got about 15 more to go.  Like my fishing, I don't like to put numbers on things, so that's why my resolution says "a few more pounds."  5 or 10 will be a victory, as long as I'm going in the right direction.

#3.  Stop & Smell the Flowers
2010 zoomed by at the speed of light.  Juggling a job, a family, household chores, trying to sneak out to go fishing, and of course writing this crappy blog took a lot of time.  Seems last January was just last week rather than 12 months ago.  A lot of these things that seemingly accelerate time are out of my direct control, it's life, but at minimum I'm going to make a point to put my workaholic tendencies to the side and use ALL of my vacation days at work this year.  Use 'em or lose 'em, you know?  My family (& I) deserve it.

#4.  Meet Some of You Folks Face-To Face
There's a group of you out there that are always there.  I don't have to name names, you know who you are.  Anytime I write a post (or at least every other time I write one), the usual suspects drop by and write a compliment, joke, or even a follow-up question in the comments.  Conversely, I read (and live vicariously through) a lot of your blogs - I mean, damn, look how long my blogroll is these days...and yes, I do my best to read each and every one.

I was fortunate enough to meet Joe aka Wolfy from Flowing Waters (& the OBN) this past year, and I'd like to meet a few more of you in 2011.  I mean who wouldn't want to wet some Powerbait & Kastmasters with Shoreman or find out why fish H8 Raz?  Sure, there's some geographical challenges, but you never know where life will take you.  I don't even care if we don't go fishing.  Sharing a beer and some good stories works for me too.  There's more to life than fishing.

#5.  Give Back
I'm pretty fortunate.  I know a lot of people have it a lot worse off than my family & I do, especially in these rough economic times.  While we're philanthropic in our own little ways, most of our donations to the places we support (Disabled American Veterans, American Diabetes Association, LIVESTRONG, Elmwood Park Zoo, ACPPA, & Trout Unlimited to name a few) are in the monetary form.  What I'd like to do is get involved.  I don't know exactly what that will be right now, but I have a few ideas.

On this last note, I encourage you to visit a website that one of my childhood friends has come up with with a few of his friends.  It's called Resolution 11.  The idea around the site is rather than making a New Year's resolution regarding self-improvment, to focus that energy on making a resolution that benefits others.  Sounds good to me, hope it does to you as well.  Visit Resolution11.org  for more information.

Here's to a kick ass 2011!


  1. I think that's a great list. And you're right, #5 is the best...but #1 ain't far behind it. You have to keep your sanity, ya know? :) I'm glad to know you. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy new year, tight lines and good health to you and your family for 2011. If you ever find yourself on this side of the pond give me a shout, and keep up the good work on the blog.

  3. hey you forgot your PaAnglers meets ups for new faces! what about the snow-trout crazy man?

  4. It's 6:47 a.m. Wake up. It's 2011 already.


    ( Yes, you guessed it - up all night again.)


  5. An admirable list. I'm sure you will accomplish most of it. According to statistics, you're in the in the group that is 10 times more likely to attain their goals that those that don't.

    Happy New Year.


  6. Thanks for putting up with me as a follower and sharing your posts. I wish you the best and troutrageous fish in 2011.

  7. Some things to think about for sure...Glad I met up with your blog...it has been a lot of fun! Happy New Year and tight lines!!

  8. I hope all your hopes come true for you in 2011, mike.

    Howevr, you've set the bar so high by meeting me in 2010, mere mortals may not measure up. (I think I just threw up in my mouth a little)

    [Note to all - the above is pure nonsense and stupidity]

    I might need you to give me some Tenkara lessons in 201 - that whole thing ahs piqued my interest.

    Glad to have added you as a friend - a real life one, not a FB one - in 2010.


  9. Best wishes for you and yours during the new year!
    Keep up the great posts!

  10. @Owl - Glad to know you too bud. Looking forward to our adventures in 2011.

    @TAFA - Thanks for the compliment, and you know I will.

    @Spurky - Fishing with you is a given...and your face ain't new...but your fancy truck is!

    @Shoreman - They keep statistics on folks like me...scary...

    @COCasters - It's my pleasure. Your blog is excellent, definitely a highlight of my blogroll.

    @TRD - Happy New Year to you too. I feel the same about your blog.

    @Wolfy - I think I threw up in my mouth too. Ugh...is that hot dog? Tenkara lessons huh? Like the sound of that.

    @Raz - Thanks man. You keep em up too!

  11. I know of a guy that lives within a couple hrs...and he's gonna need fly fishing lessons this Spring ;)
