July 1, 2010

And the Winner Is...

We had 61 entries from 22 people in the Hobie Polarized Sunglasses Giveaway.  After a quick consult with random.org, a winner was selected this morning.

After some quick scan of the comments, it appears the winner is Fly and Fin.

Congratulations!  I will be in touch via email later today with the details.

I also wanted to thank everyone for participating in the giveaway.  It was the first one I've held here and was impressed with the response.  Also, thanks to Hobie Polarized for putting up a great prize.  Even if you didn't win the contest, if you have a chance to try on a pair of Hobies, I think you'll be pleased with their performance.


  1. Congrats fly and fin. Enjoy your new shades. Cool contest.

  2. Thanks. I'd like to thank Troutrageous and Hobie for the contest. I'll make it a point to sent Troutrageous a photo of me with the new shades.
