June 6, 2010

Met Up With "Flyguy"

Have been trying to meet up with "Flyguy" from the PAanglers.com forum for a while now.  We had originally tried to fish together last fall, and for whatever the reason (primarily lack of cell phone reception), it just didn't work out.  Was able to finally meet up with Flyguy today, for an enjoyable morning of fishing.

The Valley brownies decided to populate shallow riffles & runs today.  We probably caught all of our fish (both of us fishing nymphs) in quicker moving, ankle to calf-high water.  Although you could see the trout holding in the deeper pools as well, they just didn't seem to want to be very active.
Flyguy Gettin' His Nymph On...

Unfortunately, I really wasn't quick on the draw with the camera today.  We fished about 25 yards apart (to give each other ample space) most of the time, so I never really got any pictures of his trout - which he probably caught about 9 or 10.

To compound that error, I didn't get any pics of my own trout either, since 3 of my 4 decided to "self release" at my feet as I was trying to coax them into my net.  At least Flyguy did witness a tenkara fight on a nice sized brown.  He said it had to be about 25 inches (with a wink), but it was more likely 10 at the most.

I did take a couple other pictures of some of the water we fished and some scenery in general.
Today's Arsenal
Water Was Pretty Clear, A Bit Off-Colored
Pulled One Out Of Here
Below Covered Bridge
A Little Bit Further Downstream

In all, it was good couple of hours fishing.  I hope to fish with Flyguy again soon - now that introductions are done, would love to pick his brain some more.  I think I can learn a lot from him.


  1. I forgot about the small streams in the mid-West that run all year. I vaguely recall one like that running through the back yard across the street in Kenosha, WI and it ran all year. Out here in Northern California, A stream like that would be dry by August.

  2. That is some nice looking water to hunt trout in. Appreciate what pictures you were able to post, and, happy that you enjoyed your time.

  3. A good morning of trout fishing by the sounds of it. Thanks for sharing.

    I would be found over by that covered bridge for sure.
