May 18, 2010

Free Ohero Fluorocarbon Leader

Had to pass this one along...because it's free.  It was brought to my attention by a Facebook friend...and's free!

All you need to do is visit the Ohero Fishing website, sign up, and they'll send you a free 10 yard sample of their Fluorocarbon Leader in your choice of test.  Here are the details, per the website:

Avid anglers, we understand the importance of having good fluorocarbon leader and believe we have the best leader in the market right now. In performance test, it rated #1! We invite you to give our fluorocarbon leader a try, you'll be glad you did. Please fill out this request form and allow up to 10 business days to deliver. Please let us know how you like it via our feedback form or on Facebook, thanks.


  1. Awesome! Can't beat free, thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey I tried it!!! seems to be legit.. right on thanks Troutrageous!

  3. Hey Mike. Thanks for the input on the MBW. I think mine's better too. I went out on the Ohero site, but the test is too big for what I use. Had it been 4 or 6, I'd have been on it hair on a gorilla.


  4. I recieved my free 30 lbleader material today..

    awesome product, at a sweet price. perfect for tying a butt section to the fly line or just making leaders, 3 feet of this stuff, then 3 feet of 15 lb 3 more feet of 8lb and there is a 9 foot 3x leader for about 75 cents and its fluoro..

    Thanks Troutragous!!!

  5. Glad your line showed up. I got my spool of 20-lb last week (had ordered 15-lb, but due to overwhelming can I argue though, it was FREE). Plan on making a level line for my tenkara rod with it and see how it works. May be a bit on the heavy side, but worth a try.
