March 24, 2010

Box O' Plenty

At a loss of things to write this week. Work has been consuming a lot of my brainwaves lately...probably too many.

Did order a box of stuff from Cabela's over the weekend that arrived today (many thanks to my wonderful friends & family who provided holiday gift cards), but that's the latest & greatest on the fishing front. Needed new pair of hip waders, but ended up ordering a bunch of random items to hit the $5 shipping threshold - damn you e-commerce shipping incentives!

Here's the haul, in case you're interested:

Three Forks Lug Sole Hip Waders
Tie-Fast Nipper
Tie-Fast Retractor
Frog Hair Tippet 6x
Tungsten Zebra Midges
Zug Bugs
Gold Bead Prince Nymph
Curved Forceps
Safety Wader Belt (not for the hippers)


  1. The Golden Rule states: "The one with the most at the end, wins". You can never have enough.


  2. Thanks for the words of encouragement. It wouldn't be the Golden Rule if it was wrong, right?
