February 3, 2010

Joined Smallstreams.com

Joined a (new to me) fishing forum last week called smallstreams.com.  It's a very interesting site with all the ingredients I love - tiny water, beautiful trout pics, and of course gear talk.  The site is also moderated closely and has a zero tolerance policy on poor behavior, which is a huge plus.  The unfortunate side-effect of this site - I'm itching for a bamboo fly rod now - shhhh...just don't tell my better half!

So after this, I've taken inventory and noticed that I'm a member of (and participate in various levels) a handful of fishing forums.  My standards are PAanglers.com & WhereIFish.com, but I also drop in on EPFR.net and the Tenkara USA forum regularly.  Now add smallstreams.com to the list and yes, I may need to go cold turkey.

So do me a favor and give me my next fix - go to the comments section and let me know if you belong to any good fishing forums and why you like them.


  1. I used to frequent a couple of forums on a regular basis - they DO get addicting. Actually, SmallStreams was one of them. The other I was a regular on was River Smallies.

    I always had a limit on the Forums, though - it seems like some people LIVE on them, and after while I just got sick of the same old stuff from the same people.

    I might have to go back on Small Streams and check it out.


  2. I have participated in a number of forums over time, but, at the moment am participating only on the BigFishTackle Forum. A lot of the local anglers talk local fishing on there so usually it is a good place to spend a little time to see what others are up too. You know, a blog is a lot like a forum. It just has the blog author being the one who starts the blog topic and others respond. I will check out SmallStreams now, also.

  3. Well, way the heck over here in Oregon, I am really startin' to like the Oregon Fishing Forum.
    Best up-to-date information on local fisheries I can find.

    Wolfy, I haven't been doing forums long, but I totally know what you mean. They just keep sucking you in. I have to keep telling myself that I don't have to keep going back to see replies. Once or twice a day is good enough.

  4. I followed several forums in the past. Fishsniffer.com, I'm hooked.com to name a couple. I was looking for the same thing my blog has. Who was catching what, where, and with what. Then they started to get boring. One guy caught a big fish and 35 other guys said "oooh, aaah, great catch, way to go". Pushed me away from them. Craigs list had an outdoor section. I wouldn't go there either. Lots of bad language. So me, I'll stick to our blogs.


  5. Thanks for all the feedback guys...will have to check out some of the sites you mentioned.

    @ Wolfy - I think 5 is my limit. If I want to join another, one has to go, just from a bandwidth standpoint.

    @ Mel - Agree with you, these blogs are somewhat like a forum. As long as you have a good following, the dialogue should flow. I guess the challenge is to have enough readers to make that happen - but how do to that is another post entirely!

    @nimrod - Welcome to the site! I checked out your blog, read a few posts and enjoyed them greatly. I'm going to become a "follower" and add it to my Blogroll. Feel free to do the same if you are so inclined.

    @Shoreman - Agree some forums are definitely better than others. I've ditched a few in the past for the very reasons you've outlined below. Don't think I'd ever ditch my blogbuddies.

  6. Hey bro, Thanks for the link. I linked up with you too.
    I am totally digging your blog!

    Tight Lines!

  7. Hey Troutrageous! Thanks for the link to smallstreams! :) I'd like to personally invite any and all of you over...

    @nimrod243 - check out www.flyfishjefferson.com if you are anywhere south of Eugene... of course, the Westfly.com Oregon forum is also a classic, but can get a little crazy at times... Westfly member #44 here... :)
