November 8, 2009

Valley Creek Outing

Hit Valley Creek this morning for a few hours. Water was extremely clear and low in spots. Fished for a few hours with my Tenkara rod with unfortunately no real results. Think I had a couple takes on a Zug Bug Nymph, but never got a solid hookset. Tenkara excels with dry flies, so learning how to manipulate the nymph on that sort of tackle has been a learning experience.

Switched over to my spinning rod & reel for about an hour and did bring two small (typical valley sized) trout to hand on a size 4 gold Panther Martin, but by that time it was getting late and needed to get home. Was also getting warm - had bundled up for a cold morning, but was in the high 60s by the time I left. Gotta love weather like that in November!


  1. The size 4 Panther Martin in gold with a black body is what I'm going to throw tomorrow. Weather has been nice here, also. Should be a good day.

  2. Can get enough of the nice weather. Looks like it's going to turn here on Wednesday. Good luck tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be reading a post about it.

  3. Late season fishing can be very special especially when the weather is in your favor. Glad to see you had some happy hook-ups.
