Showing posts with label Blogger Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Tips. Show all posts

March 16, 2012

The Blogroll Quarantine

As many of you know, I've got a ridiculously

Roll roll...get it?...I know it sucks...bite me...

I'm very liberal with inclusion in my blogroll, pretty much if you send me cash have a fishing blog that I've read more than once, you end up in there.  The only "rule" I guess I have is what I call the "3 Month Rule."  I'm not a very complex person, so the concept is pretty simple.  

If you haven't written a post in more than 3 months, you're outta the blogroll

Now, since the Trout Underground blogroll no longer exists (thanks to Owl Jones), I do realize that inclusion in the Troutrageous! blogroll is probably the crowning achievement of all of you fellow blogger's online existences.  Well, other than scoring over 100 points on an unpronounceable word in Words With Friends.

So rather than outright blogroll deletion, I've created what I've called the "Blogroll Quarantine," a place were these tardy bloggers can reside until they throw up that token post to make everything good in the universe. You gotta scroll all the way down to find it, but they're there...lurking...awaiting redemption.

See, I do understand there is life outside of blogging for everyone except WK&TL Howard, and there are reasons why new material may not come regularly.  (Prunes or Metamucil may help with that BTW).  Anyway, look up benevolent in the dictionary and you'll clearly find a captial T and an exclamation mark.

However after 6 months of no posting...tarring and feathering (with subpar hackle), will immediately be followed by death by stoning.

So 3 months and counting Outdooress...that Christmas post of yours is beginning to fester...have you taken your tree down yet...cuz you're on the clock...

March 3, 2012

The Sound of Silence

As you might have noticed, the blog has been rather silent the past week, as has its Facebook & Twitter counterparts.  It's always quiet on Google+ so no real changes there.

I was curious what I'd find if I didn't write anything for a week.
I don't take much stock in numbers, but I thought it might be a fun exercise.

This is what I found.
  • Website traffic decreased 40% in total when compared to the average of the prior 3 weeks
  • Troutrageous! picked up 5 new Facebook fans but only 2 Twitter followers.
  • 3 people started following my Pinterest boards
  •  My Klout score went up (?) from 44.47 to 45.07, peaking at 45.12
  • 3 emails offering to write "Guest Posts"
  • 1 advertising request - I hope their PayPal account has lots of 0s in it.

I also found this gem on eBay (courtesy of my wife).

Looks like a big win to me.

January 27, 2012

Social Media - Yet Another Reason Why Klout Is Stupid

If you squinted hard enough to read that first Klout "Notification," no, that wasn't Photoshopped.
To quote:
"Klout believes you are influential in Congress."  

Let that soak in for a minute.

(Putting Klout's ridiculously erratic scoring method aside), if that is true, America has far more to worry about than we thought...

+Ks & T! stickers for everyone!

Have no idea what Klout is or why I'm doling out +Ks?  No, it has nothing to do with cereal or Marts, and don't worry, most people haven't heard about it either.  Just uber dorks like me.  If you want to learn more about it, click here, but be forewarned, you're probably better off not getting involved in such shenanigans and tomfoolery.

January 18, 2012


A lot of prominent websites will be going "black" today in protest of SOPA.  While I won't be going black since I don't control Blogger or Google, in lieu of a post, I ask you to please watch the video below and visit the link HERE for more infomation.  This is a serious issue, and a slippery slope for future internet use, blogs included.

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

Normal posting will resume tomorrow.

January 16, 2012

Social Media - What The F#@k Is Pinterest Anyway...

From time to time I actually attempt to write a helpful or informative post around here.  It's not very often, but today's as good as any.  I'll warn you in advance, this is kinda long...albeit with pretty pictures...

The topic of social's everywhere these days. And many of you readers being fellow bloggers probably think it's the responsible thing to do to extend your blog's reach to the popular social networks at your disposal. You probably have a Facebook Fan Page, a Twitter account, and maybe even find yourself on Google+ from time to time. The ultra ambitious may StumbleUpon, Digg, or find themselves having Klout.

At this point, you've probably heard of another one as well, Pinterest.  But what to make of this Pinterest thing that is lurking on the edges and growing like wildfire, despite still being in "invitation only" mode?  To find out for myself, I signed up to be on the Pinterest waiting list, and three days later I was in. This is what I discovered, and of course my opinion if you should really give a damn about giving it a try for yourself.

To start, the concept of Pinterest is pretty simple, it's a picture and video sharing network. You share interesting pictures with others, much like you would on Facebook or Twitter, perhaps also inserting a short comment about why you like or shared the photo.

A screen shot of a bunch of & comments.  Kind of like your Facebook Feed or Google+ Stream

Photos can come from anywhere, but they primarily come from web pages you are reading. See an awesome picture of a hook jawed brown trout on a website you are reading and want to show off it's awesomeness? Just paste the URL into Pinterest and you can share it easily, while automatically including the link back to where you found it. If you use Google Chrome, you can even install a "Pin It" button into your browser for even easier sharing (or pinning, what Pinterest calls it).

The "Pinning" interface, I had to pin this great pic from Dry Files and Fat Tires
Creates something that looks like this...

The social aspect of Pinterest is also like any of the other social networks, you follow or are followed by others, and you can like, comment on, or re-pin (share) anything you might find of interest. Nothing groundbreaking yet, right?

The social life of Russell Schnitzer's photo
I commented on it, a person liked it, and another person repinned (shared) it

What does makes Pinterest unique is that when you share/pin something, you put it on a Board. You know...a pinboard. Boards are usually set up by topic and help organize similar items, kind of like a Twitter hash tag (#) might, but in a much more visual format. I have boards set up for Tenkara, Fly Fishing, Great Blog Posts, Fly Tying, Pop Culture, etc...

My Boards

What is really cool is that when you decide to "follow" someone, you can choose to only follow boards they've created that interest you, not necessarily everything from them. For example, you can choose to follow me (which then automatically sets you up to see pins from all of my boards), or you can just choose to follow my Fly Fishing pinboard, because you don't give a crap about Tenkara or Pop Culture.

I'm only following 3 of Graham's 9 boards

As far as a tool for self/blog promotion...Pinterest kinda frowns on that. If you plan to use social media as a place to just post links to your latest blog post, this isn't the outlet for you. Plus, since it's picture based, unless your blog post has a kiler picture in it, people will probably never click on it in the first place.

That said, if you are a fly tier or a outdoor photographer, this really could be a useful tool...not only to organize a portfolio of your work, but also to make it easy for others to find and re-share. Personally, I think I'll mostly use it as a holding tank for all the randomness that usually ends up in Wednesday Nibbles. If I see something cool, I'll just pin it for later consumption. If others enjoy looking at it too, that's just a cool side effect.

Some other things worth mentioning about Pinterest is that it is both Facebook and Twitter integrated out of the box (sorry Google+). So when you pin something cool, you can simultaneously post or tweet it on those two networks. The one drawback to that is that I haven't figured out how to make the Facebook posts go to my Troutrageous! Fan Page, rather than my personal Facebook page. Boo.

Pinterest also has a search box and a browse by category feature that allows you to explore and somewhat easily find and review other people's pins and pinboards, even if you do not follow them (yet).

Go ahead and find some sother stuff...

Finally, when you pin something, you can assign it a $ value, for example to call out that new fly rod you covet costs $700. The price then automatically gets indexed in the search engine as well.

Adding a "price tag" to a pin.  Notice the banner in the upper left?

So as an outdoor blogger is Pinterest worth your social media time? Probably not. least as one of your primary forms of extending your reach right now. Unless of course you're also a Mommy Blogger or a Photographer on the side - I know many of you may maintain multiple blogs.

See, I hate to say this, but it seems like the main demographic present in the Pinterest universe at the moment is female. Normally, I'd have no problem with that (I mean I'm particularly fond of women), but there's a disproprtionately high amount of pinning of fancy food recipes and fashion "looks" - like shoes, dresses, and accessories - which doesn't exactly fit neatly alongside the babblings from the "hooks & bullets" crowd.

Yes, let's have more evening dresses...

That said, Pinterest is somewhat amusing to play around with and just different enough when compared to Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to make it worth a look. I guess we'll never be able replace Crock Pot casserole recipes with Parachute Adams tying recipes if we don't at least try to play along...

If you want an invite, hit me up, I've got a couple to burn.

December 28, 2011

A Long Overdue "Thank You"...

As 2011 comes to a close, it's typically a time for folks to sit back and reflect on the year that was.  In doing such there are a lot of "thank yous" handed out, the recipients usually being friends, family, supporters, and the like.

Thank you for being a friend...

Not wanting to buck this trend, I'm finding it necessary to thank a sort of unsung hero that makes things happen on a regular basis around here.  No, I'm not talking about Lilly, Owl Jones, The River Damsel, or even that guy named Clif

See, the person, or better yet thing I'm talking about is Blogger.  

You know, the platform that hosts and is the engine behind many of "our" humble blogs...  

Yeah, that Blogger.

Okay, I know Blogger's not perfect.  Like any good relationship, we've all had our ups & downs this year; some of the "downs" being the temporary inability to make comments, disappearing blogrolls, and confusion about what happens to your blog if you delete pictures from your Picasa account.  (You know Google tried to take over the internet this year, so integrating a billion different products had some nasty side effects).  

Also, just as in some unsteady relationships, especially a long term ones, one may have found themselves lusting for another.  Temptresses such as WordPress and all her curvaceous themes and sexy plug-ins...or Tumblr and...well...let's face it, Tumblr's too young for'll get yourself arrested for fooling around with that one... 

thong shot courtesy of women fishing in bikinis

But in the end, it's the good times experienced in the relationship that definitely outweighed the few rough patches in 2011 that were mentioned above.  The Blogger team introduced to us a ton of slick updates, the biggest being a whole new user interface that is much more...ummm...Google-ish.  We also got web fonts, an Android App, mobile templates, favicons, dynamic views, and Google+ integration just to name a few from a very long list of positives. 

And for what it's worth, and in my opinion it's worth a lot, I also can't remember a single time when my blog was totally 2011.  Oh yeah, and I never, EVER had to worry about "installing updates."

And did I mention the best part?  Blogger did all that for free.

So THANK YOU BLOGGER (and your overlords at Google), for keeping not only my blog, but the many, many other blogs I enjoy on a daily basis not only up and running, but also doing so in a way that makes it so easy even Howard can do it.

October 23, 2011

Maximizing Blog Post Keywords to Increase Traffic

I don't take much stock in the stats service provided in the Blogger dashboard.  I tend to prefer Google Analytics (& even StatCounter) a bit more when it comes to analyzing the "behind the scenes" that go on here in an attempt to make Troutrageous! a better place for you, the reader.

However...I did click on that "Stats" button today just to see what was new...and I saw this little chart regarding keywords:

So, going with that data set, it's clear to me that you all want to see something.
Thus, I present the following:

brooklyn decker beautiful native american woman trout rigs tenkara baseball hall of fame awesome troutrageous

In the legendary words of Bryan Adams...Everything I do, I do it for you.

August 1, 2011

A Blogroll Question

Hey big is too big?

Of course I'm asking about blogrolls.  See, I'm pretty sure my blogroll has hit a wall.  It's always been on the long side, but in the last 4 or so months it's expanded by leaps and bounds.  I blame the OBN for exposing me to so many great new (to me) blogs in about that same timeframe.  It's an easy and convenient excuse. outta the oven.

I've always thought the blogroll concept should be one where you only post blogs you actually read and would recommend to friends.  The proof in the pudding is that my site stats clearly show that some of my readers use my "recommendations" as an anchor point in their daily reading...clicking on a blog, then coming back, clicking on the next blog, coming back, clicking on the next blog, etc, etc, etc...

The only other "rule" I ever had regarding my blogroll was that if you didn't at least post once in a three month period, you were gone...didn't mean I don't like ya, just simply an attempt to try and trim the fat.

Well, I'm at a point now where I can't keep up with the blogs in my blogroll anymore, which is a shame because there are some really good ones in that long list.  Also, with this blog's popularity sort of growing, I'm noticing more and more links to "Troutrageous!" in other people's blogrolls every day.  To this day I'm still flattered by that fact, but posting all the reciprocal links I should in order to be a good Boy Scout is overwhelming.

So in light of the above.  What to do?  Trim back the blogroll to a more manageable level?  Only list the blogs I actually can absorb, while running the risk of alienating a lot of folks that don't "make the cut" for whatever the reason?  Am I too self-absorbed thinking anyone would even care if their blog wasn't in my blogroll?  Or just leave it as that obscenely long list, continually growing, and growing, and growing...?

There probably isn't a perfect solution, and I'm really don't expect to find one, but I'd love to read your thoughts in the comments section below.  Thanks in advance.

June 30, 2011

B = Boring. Update Your Favicons Already!

Favicon?  That's one of the bad guy robots from Transformers 3 right?

Is it bad that I've never seen Transformers 1 or 2?

Not quite, it's actually the little icon that shows up shows up in your browser tab, bookmark, or RSS code to represent your blog.

For example my favicon (the black & white T!) shows up in a browser tab like this...

or as a bookmark like this...

and even in many of your dynamic blogrolls like this...

Example blogroll taken from
Fine Water Fly Fishing

Now all you WordPress folks have had custom favicons for quite a while, but Blogger unleashed them on us earlier this month through the "Blogger In Draft" interface.  Don't know what that is....yeesh...what am I gonna do with you...

Anyway, I was going to keep quiet on this, figuring you'd all eventually pick it up, but looking at my blogroll, the swarm of little Blogger "B"s unfortunately remain, and no fun little pictures have taken their place.

Where's the individuality?

So the link to the tutorial is HERE.  Get to gettin' Blogger bloggers.

I want my browser tabs & blogroll to start looking like a cracked open box of fishing-themed Lucky Charms rejects spilled all over my flies, purple reels, green vises, yellow get the point.

You can do it...I've got confidence in ya.

June 3, 2011

The New Math of Blogging

Anyone notice that Blogger added the new Google +1 button to your blog options?  If you were already using the share icons in your Blogger blog, it should have automatically appeared the other day, sorta like this:

Wednesday Nibbles are like a +1,000

So what is +1?  Basically it's just another way to share stuff, except your doing the sharing within the context of Google's search results.  Think of it similarly to clicking "Like" on Facebook.  All your friends can see what you "like," so it's kinda your stamp of approval. (While at the same time serving as Google's attempt to interfere with Facebook's ever-growing social domination of the web).

Well +1 generally works the same way...if you've got a Google profile (& if you're on Blogger you do...or if you have a Gmail account...or one of Google's other myriad of services) when friends of yours search for stuff on Google, if the results generate something relevant to something you had +1'd, your endorsement should also show up next to the result, telling them, "hey, so and so thinks this is rad."

Get it?  Not quite?  Check out this video from Google that explains it a bit better.  There's an official blog post too.

Does this mean you should go out clicking +1s on everyone's blogs? I dunno. But if you want to start with the one on the post below, feel free. At least until Google develops a -1 button where you can show how you really feel...

May 26, 2011

The State of Outdoor (Particularly Fly Fishing) Blogging this a fishing article?

Sort of.  Thought I'd write something of (limited) substance for a change.  So let's talk outdoor blogging.

So I can't help but notice that the outdoor blogging scene has exploded in the past let's say 2 years...that exact time frame may be a bit debatable, but without doubt it's grown dramatically in the past year.  In my opinion, there are a couple factors that play into this sudden rise outdoor blogging (besides vanity).

The first reason has got to be the relative ease of entry.  When I started writing this blog almost 4 years ago (June 2007, no kidding), the technology for bloggers wasn't all that great.  Yeah, Blogger & WordPress were both around back then, but believe me when I tell you they weren't as user friendly as they are today.  You had to know a certain degree of HTML code if you wanted the cool bells & whistles, and there certainly weren't all the slick looking customizable templates you see today.  Every blog pretty much looked the same, your only real choice was to type on a white background with black text or on a black background with white text.

Blogger, WP, & even platforms like Tumblr make blogging so easy today anybody can pretty much fumble through the initially awkward "how does this damn thing work" phase and be cranking out great looking content in no time.   While it was a challenging proposition in the past, one you'd not leisurely take up while sipping Dr. Peppers and chillin' in your thighty-whities; today...yeah, well...not so much.  If you can write an email, you can write a blog.

Got prunes?

The second reason is the emergence of social media.  Is anything changing the way people interact the way social media has?  Facebook's a monster (like really....a gazillion users and it knows everything about everyone), Twitter is right on it's heels, and they're both making it insanely easy not only to share a great outdoor blog post you happen to read with all of your friends, but also to introduce them to the concept of blogging for the first time.  Thoughts like this must race through the heads of soon-to-become bloggers as the light bulb begins to flicker, "Hey, if Howard can write a blog...ANYONE can."

The third reason, and honestly, I think this is one of the largest catalysts, is the Outdoor Blogger Network (OBN).  Before the OBN, there was this site called the Outdoor Bloggers Summit (OBS).  In it's early days, it served much of the same functions of the OBN, a networking hub, tips on blogging, blogger spotlights, it even served up writing prompts.  Like "they" say, it's easier to trace than draw.  The main difference was it didn't serve up free gear.  A lot of the familiar names you see listed on the OBN even used to hang out there -  The Outdooress, Flowing Waters, Northern California Trout, Murphyfish, Fisherbabe, and on, and on...(but not me, I rolled counter-culture, too kool for skool).

Where it was at...for some...

For whatever the reason - primarily disengaged leadership - the OBS abruptly stopped one day, creating a void until the OBN stepped in last year...and boy did it ever!

Start a new blog, list yourself here.

So what makes the OBN important here besides the free stuff?  In short, it created the "feel good" support that every new blogger needs.  Face it, you write because you want people to read your stuff.  There's no denying it.  If you feel you're writing to nobody, you're probably not going to waste your time and give up the blogging scene (both as a reader and writer) in no time.

The OBN format (and a little creativity) makes it ridiculously easy for your blog to not only be seen, but to go from 0 readers to a posse of dedicated readers in no time flat.  You don't believe me, check out the comments sections of most of the OBN listed blogs - especially the fishing ones - you'll notice a lot of the same names & faces over and over and over and over.  Get a blog listed on OBN, comment on a few posts or in the forum, and you'll have at least 15 followers instantly.  Bloggers need the initial positive reinforcement that the OBN can provide, if nothing more than as a confidence builder.

Want proof of points 2 & 3?  Going all Marty McFly back in time (remember, my blog started in June 2007), it took me until March 2010 (almost 3 full years) to get 34 Google Followers (those little face icons up in the upper right of my blog).  Look there today and you'll see how many I have...I dare ya.  I'd say at least 100 have showed up since the launch of the OBN.  Coincidence, I think not.

Screen shot, circa March 2010

In fishing blog circles, there are well established blogs that everyone knows like Trout Underground & Moldy Chum that have a huge and loyal follower base.  While they are extremely well written blogs, they also were early adopters of the medium and clearly benefited from the fact that there wasn't a lot of blog talent out there a few years back.  Subsequently, both got placed in pretty much everyone who was blogging's blogroll.  It was like going to McDonald's in the pre-chicken nugget days.  You basically got a burger & fries, there were no other options.  Today's outdoor blogging menu is far more diverse, not to mention much tastier.

More varieties in drinks than in food...

So in closing, what will this recent influx of outdoor blogging talent bring to us?  Will a new Trout Underground emerge? Or has it already (in an unlikely location down south)?  Who will be the voice(s) to come to the fore...where will they be from...what will they be talking about?

Or perhaps things may go the opposite direction.  Will the space get too crowded, too watered down, and create too much noise?  Will business or commerce-influenced sites take over the blogosphere?  How much is too much of a good thing?  My blogroll is dangerously long today, what will it look like in June 2012; or even better June 2015?

As likely a fellow blogger, or at minimum a reader of blogs, I know you have an opinion.  The comments section below awaits your feedback, don't be shy...

March 24, 2011

My Sincerest Apologies For Your Deficiencies

Internet Explorer users, I'm sorry.

It's my understanding that when you enter my blog, you get an annoying pop-up that looks something like this.

I've tried to research how to make it go away, even played with HTML code a little and stuff I don't really understand, but yet it remains.

According to my site analytics, about 40% of my readers use Internet Explorer.  So to the two of you, I apologize.  That said, I'm just going to be honest, channel Joe Clark and give you some tough love.  Ditch IE already.

I use Google Chrome.  My wife uses Firefox.  We're not uber-cool hipsters, so we don't own a Mac, but I'd imagine Safari is pretty rad and makes you a better dancer too.  All are better options than no pop up like above.  I can't necessary quantify it, perhaps it's just my inner geek revolting against those unoriginal copycats Microsoft.  Who knows.

But if you must still use IE, at least give what the pop up says a try and download the Google Chrome Frame plug-in.  It won't bite, (or secretly track all of those hours you spend on porn sites), I promise.

So what browser do you use?  If you use IE, why?  (Laziness is a valid excuse).  Would love to find out in the comment section below.

February 4, 2011

Items of Note

Some things popped up in the last 24 hours that I think are sort of newsworthy.  So this post is kinda like Wednesday Nibbles, just no stupid videos.

Blogger App for Android
Blogger Buzz announced yesterday the official Blogger App for Android smartphones.  Since I got my Android phone a few months back, I've tried a few "unofficial" Blogger apps, but to be honest have found them to be pretty clunky and lacking the features I was accustomed to. This one is really much better, a much truer Blogger experience.  Worth the free download if you have an Android phone and are on the Blogger platform. You never know when inspiration might strike.
Blogging on the move...

Cabela's Hardcover Catalog
They're evidently starting to make the rounds.  This is the first time I've received one, so I guess Cabela's is finally recognizing all of that gift card money I spend with them.  I assume that's how you get one of these as opposed to the standard softcover.  I just it too nice to sit next to the porcelain throne with the rest of my fishing catalogs?
10 pounds of goodness

Interview at Ben G. Outdoors
As if my ego wasn't humongously enormous already, blogbuddy Ben G. over at Ben G. Outdoors recently asked me if I'd like to do an interview for his blog.  Flattered & honored by the gesture I agreed, and he posted it to his site yesterday.  I always thought I'd end up featured on Abnormal Outdoors before BGO, but if you simply can't get enough of Troutrageous!, you can check it out at his blog HERE.
The coolest Ben since Franklin.

That's about it for today.  Really looking forward to this weekend.  This was a pretty tough work week.  Not sure if I'll get in any fishing, but you never know.

January 27, 2011

Blog Monetizing

No, this isn't an instructional manual on how to monetize your blog...and for those not keen on interweb buzzwords, that means turning your content into cash.  Unless you're writing about porn, electronics, or willing to sell your soul to the devil, (or a combination of the three), it's very difficult to do well.

Rather, I get quite a few emails about my NASCAR-ish right sidebar - especially all those "ads" running down the page as you scroll to the bottom.

Boogity boogity boogity!

While their primary function is to simply balance my page aesthetically (my blogroll is obscenely large), I still get the same questions all the time - Do you make money on them?  How much?  Can I get one?  So in today's post I'm going to give you all full disclosure about what's going on there.  Who else lets you behind the scenes to see the inner-workings of a super-mega-popular fishing blog?  No...seriously, let me know...I've got a notepad ready...

Moving from top to bottom:

1.  Lilly - She's my kid & gets the top spot for a very good reason.  She pays me in hugs and kisses every day.  You can't write a check for that.

2.  Pottstown Mercury - It's a local newspaper.  I really don't know how they found me, but they invited me to do a link exchange.  I'm a "Town Square Blogger" for them, they even pick up some of my content from time to time, and in exchange, they get a link.

My Merc "Glamour Shot"

3.  Kype Magazine - Another link exchange.  They give me code to embed for free virtual mags (and sometimes offer free stuff to review) and I serve it up.  Note:  Free stuff does not equal gushing review.

4.  Interactive Trout Map - A service to you, my readers.  I don't have a relationship with PA Fish & Boat Commission, I just think it's a cool tool.

5.  Online Store - Once upon a time, way before the blog, Troutrageous was a t-shirt design I hatched up...along with Basstastic, Pikeadelic, Sharkhaic, etc...  It still exists, but I put 0 effort into that.  Might change that at some point later this year, we'll see...
Your woman needs these.

6.  Links - They're just links I like. No current agenda.  That said if any of those companies/organizations want to barter, I'd happily change that link to a banner.

7.  Favorite Fishing Forums - Before I had an active blog, I used to be really into forums.  To be honest, the comments section of this blog (& the favorites I regularly read) have largely taken the place of forums.  Regardless, I still list them, as each remains a great place to drop in and visit.

8.  Abide - The Dude.   It's a lifestyle man.  That banner really ties this blog together.

9.  Blog Directories - They are what they are.  I will note that is a monetization service.  Basically, you sign up for their service, and they turn any link you make in a post that's directed toward a retailer (like say a link back to a cool fishing rod you saw on Orvis) an affiliate link, given that retailer has an affiliate program.  In simple terms, if somebody goes to Orvis and buys that rod, you get $.  You don't have to do anything.  It's kind of like monetization for the lazy, and I resemble that remark.

10.  Fishfinders - They paid me to put that there.  No questions asked.  By the way, have I mentioned that I love fishfinders?  Repeat after me, "Fishfinders take all of the guesswork out of choosing the best fishing spot."  Clif knows the magic of this mantra.

11.  Hobie - They sponsored a review and giveaway last spring.  Plus they were AWESOME to work with and I use & believe in their product.  No joke.  In return, I pimp their site.  I'm not gonna lie, the formula is simple.  Give me good free stuff that actually works & you get a banner like forever.

A happy contest winner!

12.  Fish Creek Spinners - John (the owner) is one of those guys who does things right.  I also consider him a friend.  He gets this for free.  I'd have it no other way.

13.  The Next 4 - These are affiliate links through the AvantLink network.  I notice other bloggers are using this service too.  I try not to overdo it & pick more unique retailers/brands that are relevant to my blog & it's topics.  I must have done a crappy job because they've gotten a ton of views but have yet to convert.  C'mon, you know you want to buy your new tenkara rod from  Get on it already!

14.  Google Adsense - This one actually makes money.  Not a lot, but enough to actually be able to buy a few things from the McDonald's Dollar Menu from time to time.  Since Lilly loves her Happy Meals, this is not a bad thing.

So that's it, the cat's out of the bag.  And to prove that you can make money from your blog, here's a recent screen shot of a payment I received last week from a now defunct-affiliate program I worked with last fall.
Good thing I blog for fun, not money.

December 18, 2010

Take Your Blogger Blog Mobile

So check this out.  Got a smartphone?  Is your Blogger blog a little hard to read on your smartphone's web browser?  If it's like mine, I know it is.  Luckily, Blogger in Draft announced a solution to our problem yesterday...check it out in their blog post HERE.

(Have no idea what Blogger in Draft is?  Click HERE to check out an old post where I kinda explained it.)

So instead of a gorgeously laid out blog like mine only sorta fitting on your smartphone's screen and looking something like this...

mobile blogger old
Yeah, kinda hard to read

With a few clicks of your mouse, it should now look all pretty like this...

troutrageous mobile blog
Ahhhh....much better

Yup, smartphone users rejoice, the Troutrageous! plan for world domination just keeps on chugging along...


Hey you! Yeah, you Mr. WordPress smartypants reading this just waiting to make a snarky comment; I know you guys (& your clearly superior blogging platform) have had this feature for a while.  Just let us simpleminded Blogger folks enjoy our little victories.  They're few & far between.

October 19, 2010

The Outdoor Blogger Network

"I don't always sign up for directories of outdoor bloggers...
but when I do, I choose the Outdoor Blogger Network."
Stay QWERTY my friends!

Seriously, if you like to read or write hunting, fishing, camping, or other types of naturelicious blogs, do yourself a favor and check out "the most interesting blog network in the world."

Plus, it's brought to you by these two characters, so how can it be bad, right?