September 3, 2019

Just Waiting Around...

Hurricane Dorian can't seem to make up its mind on whether or not it wants to pay my neighborhood a visit. Originally, it was supposed to swing by on Sunday... then Monday... now maybe Tuesday night or Wednesday... man that thing is slow. I obviously joke uneasily, as I know it's unfortunately having its way with the Bahamas right now.

Locally, people have been in a bit of unrest since last Thursday. Runs on groceries and gas. Folks moving all their stuff out of harm's (& wind's) way. Don't get me started on the local news. Kind of put an odd damper on the long Labor Day weekend.

My daughter's school is cancelled through Wednesday. The in-laws and their two dogs are staying over at our house for an undetermined amount of time. They live a bit more coastal than we do, so evacuation was in the cards and we're happy to have them. We live a bit more inland, so while we'll get strong winds and rain, flooding shouldn't be an issue. Still, my office is closed through at least Wednesday as well... "working" from home likely being the theme of the week. We'll see how that goes...

C'mon Dorian, just make up your mind. As weird as it might sound, I just want it over with already.

In any event, since the hurricane appears allergic to "Florida Man" (which we should all be), the weather has been great, and I even snuck out for some fishing last night around dusk. 

Left the tenkara rod at home for a change, opting rather for a 9-foot 5-weight Fenwick and a Pflueger Medalist click & pawl reel. Really felt nice to shoot some line through guides. Boogle bugs were on the menu, and the local 'gills were happy to oblige.


  1. How ever close it may come to Jacksonville....I hope you and yours stay safe.

  2. Stay safe - sure looks to be a beast!!! Those gills I mean, that's a beast of a gill!

    Ok, now, in all seriousness, be safe with Dorian, certainly a very scary and serious storm. Hunker down. Hopefully it's a clean miss.

    1. LOL! That bill put up a bigger fight than Dorian did locally. And I'm extremely thankful for it!

  3. I don't know which is better. We had the red/black flags up and that was it or the "up to the minute" news. The anticipation is a gut cruncher either way. Stay safe Mike.

    1. For some reason it seems as if the local news is upset it wasn't worse... Crazy...

  4. Michael
    What a combo, Fenwick and Pflueger two of the oldest fishing rods and reels. Can't beat the Boogle Bug for bluegill and bass----glad you all miss Dorian---Thanks for sharing
