August 14, 2017

My Kid Is Good At Video, I Suck At It

I'm really good persistent at writing a sub-par fishing blog, but I'll be the first one to admit I suck at making videos. My 11-year-old daughter is way better at it than I am.

I used to be somewhat okay finding my way around Microsoft Movie Maker, this probably being my masterpiece (ha!), but somewhere along the line I upgraded or updated my computer, and it disappeared. Oh, and Microsoft doesn't offer it anymore. That kinda sucks. I'm sure I could get a copy on the dark web, whatever the hell that is, but that just sounds too sinister to me, like something Snidely Whiplash would do... (man, that's a dated reference).

Since the only way to improve at creating videos is to try more of it, I'm determined to record some footage (within reason) at this Fall's Tenkara Summit in Colorado. So in the meantime, I'm test driving a few different, basic video editing programs.

I'm currently playing around with a program called "Filmora" that's pretty easy to use, even for a video-for-dummies candidate like me. Cranked out this super quick 0:15 video last night, just to play around with some of the introductory features such as cropping, text & graphic overlays, sound tracks, and transitions.

Whatever... I know it sucks, we can't all be Drew Lookinfishy. It's just a proof of concept sort of test.

So I'm curious, what video software do you use (preferably PC), especially if you're not totally engrossed in online movie making? I'm guessing the Mac folks use iMovie, but heck, I could be wrong. I'd love to read in the comments below...


  1. Mike I thought it looked pretty good. I agree kids and technology are far superior than we are.

    1. Thanks Alan. I should just shoot the footage and have her make the videos. :)

  2. I do quite a bit of video creation/editing for work, so I primarily use Final Cut Pro (working on some stuff for personal/fishing use). iMovie will do most anything you'd need to do fishing video wise though on the Mac. For the PC, most everyone that I know about uses Adobe Premiere Pro CC on the subscription model. It's powerful, and total overkill for the most part, but it will do anything you'd want to do. I have it for the Mac as well but I find Final Cut Pro to be easier.

    I've also heard many good things about Vegas Studio for the PC, but I have never used it.

    1. Great feedback Cory, really appreciate it. I'll dig into some of the options you provided. I was looking at Adobe Premiere, but wasn't sure for the amount of video editing I'd do (not a ton), it would warrant the cost of the subscription. That said, I'm not opposed to paying for a good product.

  3. I have to admit that the kids now days know a lot more about electronic everything than us Geezers (not you Mike), but how do you tell your IT Babe wife that you lost your "My Documents" folder? If you have Windows 10, you know what folder I'm talking about. Thank the fishing gods that I found it before she did. With that said, I just mumble through using what I can operate and letting the rest go. No super secret software here.

    1. I guess sometimes ignorance is bliss. Did you ever find "My Documents"... Hope so. :)

  4. I still use Movie Maker because I refuse to give up on Windows Vista! That said, I still make crappy videos. Good job.
