April 18, 2017

Exploring Florida - Star Wars Celebration Orlando

There's no fishing in this post. Not even going to pretend. Just a guy geeking out with his family at Star Wars Celebration last weekend. This isn't the first Star Wars themed post here, and definitely won't be the last. Not too much to say, those of you who get it, will get it. Instead, I'll just share some photos:


  1. The car reminded me of one I saw over the weekend. I think it was a V-dub too with an R2D2 coming out of the roof and a sticker that said R2D2 is my co-pilot. And here I sit with Rogue 1 on DVD and haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Even in retirement there aren't enough hours in the day. What a fun day.

    1. That's great! Rogue One is a good watch. Not my favorite Star Wars movie, but I enjoyed the different slant.

  2. Well, I'm not a Star Wars geek so I'll just mention that your little girl is really growing up Mike.

  3. So awesome!! Thank you, for sharing these photographs, Mike! I'm a big fan of Boba Fett, and that Samurai Fett is really BAD A. I follow a few pages on the Book of Face, and it's really interesting to see the different variations of the characters that others have come up with. Super cool that your daughter, Lilly, enjoys it, and even wore a costume!

    1. Agree, that Fett is pretty cool. Lilly is SOOOOO into Star Wars.
      She's totally into "geek" culture, Star Wars, Marvel Avengers, Harry Potter, etc...
