December 4, 2016

Video: Cadeau Nives 2017

I'd love to get out trout fishing right about now. But it's just not the time. I've got stuff to do, and the water is a bit out of reach. Instagram and the Prisma app's been a nice diversion, but just isn't getting it done.

However, French guide Brice Sylvain recently dropped this little video to Vimeo. The beginning is a quick slide show, but then it goes into some nice footage of brown trouting. So let's spend some time watching that today. I mean even if you can't get to the water (like me) who doesn't love to daydream? Enjoy!


  1. Replies
    1. Once of these days I'll get into some trout that nice.

  2. Nice! Can't wait til you make one of these vids... hint hint

    1. I don't think I'm coordinated enough...or have a cameraman to follow me.

  3. Great footage of the brown trout.

  4. Mike
    Loved the video, as I get older I tend to avoid the cold temps when it comes to fishing. To help satisfy the urge I watch a lot fly fishing videos during the winter months. I keep a list this one will be on it.
    Like for you to give an opinion on a trout fishing video clip I will showing on my next post. Thanks for sharing

    1. Yep, that's what we do in the winter, watch videos, tie flies, and daydream... Spring will be here soon enough!
