September 3, 2016

Stealing The Photo Bin

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, or so I've heard.

If that's the case, I hope Mike over at Mike's Gone Fishin'....Again doesn't mind my blatant theft of his Photo Bin concept. See, I've been up to a lot lately (like dodging Hurricane Hermine), but fishing hasn't really been one of the activities. That said, you might notice a bit of a sports theme below...

The last weekend of July was spent in Atlanta.
It was a timely visit, which included a stroll through Centennial Park
a few days prior to the 2016 Summer Olympics...

The aquarium was amazing. Had never seen a whale shark in person before...

Also took in a Phillies win versus the Braves.
Was nice to see Ryan Howard in person one last time.
He's not the slugger he once was, but he'll always be one of my favorite Phillies.

Checked out some local roller derby action.
Jacksonville took down Detroit in this particular bout in a tune up for WFTDA playoffs.
Say what you will about roller derby, but when played at the highest levels, it's a ton of fun to watch.

There was an NBA playoffs pool at my office this year.
I ended up winning thanks to the Cavaliers, and the prize was a jersey of my choice.
Pretty psyched about the Ben Simmons era in Philadelphia.

There's a place by the house called Maple Street Biscuit Company.
It's one of those "farm to table" type places that are trendy these days.
Food is good, and these cinnamon dessert biscuits are amazing.
Don't be jealous.

Lilly & I had a Daddy/Daughter night last weekend, and we spent it at NXT wrestling.
It was her first wrestling match, and she seemed to like the theatrics, both in and outside the ring.
For what it's worth, it was a pretty good card if you're into that kinda stuff.


  1. More than happy to share "the bin," especially with one who has been so supportive of the concept from its inception. And you carried it off well, my friend. Very well indeed.


  2. Great photo's, Mike. Beautiful photograph of the Phillies stadium, and those biscuits...I'm jealous. Congrats on winning the office pool!
