April 8, 2016

Friday Dose of Brook Trout

No, not any brook trout I've caught recently...

I'm on the mailing list of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. Guess I got on there from purchasing a few seasons worth of New York fishing licenses a few years back when I used to visit the Finger Lakes area regularly...

Anyway, the most recent mailing had two links to some pretty interesting articles about New York brook trout. Worth the time, especially if you're at work and have already mentally "checked out," looking forward to the weekend. (Your secret's safe with me, I won't tell your boss).

The Eastern Brook Trout (Robert Michelson) is an overview of what the brookies are all about...it's not groundbreaking information, but you may learn a new thing or two about this captivating species. The photos are pretty small, but they're also pretty good. You can get a better look at them by downloading the PDF rather than viewing the website.

Bringing Back Brookies (Fiorentino/Stegemann) is more focused on conservation efforts to restore native brook trout habitat in the Adirondacks. Concentrating specifically on Lower Sargent Pond, it's a brief read that provides an overview of the efforts that took place over the past few years to remove non-native fish in order to allow the brook trout to (hopefully) thrive again. Once more, there's a PDF download as well.



  1. Thanks Mike.
    That first pic is awesome.

    1. Thank you, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.

  2. Being a New Yorker who has subscribed to NYS Conservationist for years these are just more examples of very good articles you can find in it's pages. Conservationist covers virtually all aspects of being in the outdoors in NYS. Every year there are always a few articles related to Brookies, Browns, Rainbows, flyfishing or any other type of fishing in New York. If anyone wants to fish in New York's waters, Conservationist is a great source of info.

    1. Definitely appears to be the case. Funny I really don't recall getting the emails for it when I lived in PA and fished in NY. But they've been coming frequently this year. Definitely not complaining.

  3. I like these beautiful fishes that are very rare over here. It is always a joy to be able to catch one.

    1. Interesting. What kind of trout do you have in France? I believe I've seen you catch browns, anything unique?

  4. Yeah I have wanted to get back into those ponds, but most of this has been unfolding during my peak years of fun out there. I am looking forward to my August vacation in the adirondacks with my family, I'll surely be scouting some backcountry spots not far from the area. There is tons of great Brookie fishing in the ADK region, you just have to know what kinds of places to look, and how to get their attention.

    1. Sounds like you have a little brookie hunt on your hands. I'm sure you'll be well prepared to catch a few.
