March 28, 2016

Let's Party Like It's 2010

I miss the fishing bloggers' banter.

Back in my day...when we used to type on our computers uphill through 20 feet of snow...there was a pretty good group of outdoor bloggers out there that had a community vibe going on. You'd write a post, they'd comment on it. They'd write a post, you'd be sure to visit (because it was in your Blogroll or feed reader), comment, perhaps even write a reply in a blog post of your own.

20+ Comment Posts Were Common

There was a cast of characters, RD, Owl, Func, Clif, Wolfy, DNash, and a bunch more beyond that. Some are still going, like Howard & Mark, but most have sort of found better other things to do with their time than write blog posts regularly, or have moved most of their online conversing to (gasp) Facebook.

Heck, I'm finding myself guilty of that too. Efforts on Troutrageous! have been sort of cast aside for my little Tenkara Angler magazine project over the past 6-9 months. I can't tell you the last time I wrote something that I thought was "good" over here, and even worse, I can't tell you the last time I regularly visited the blogs in my blogroll and commended their efforts. Used to do that several times a week, if not every day. It's just too easy to skim Facebook and click "Like."

Screw That.

While some of my old favorites seem to have faded away it does seem like there's still enough energy out there keeping the blogging community alive. Rad dudes like CARF, On A Fly!Eddie, & Stalking the Seam (just to name a few) are all cranking out a regular stream of posts. Heck, even some oldies but goodies (like JT) seem to have found a new swagger.

No, this isn't some sort of stupid resolution that I'm going to start writing awesome-sauce blog posts on a daily basis again, far from it. That time has passed. However, I think it's time to at least try to play the game again.

Let's party like it's 2010.

Okay, maybe not exactly like 2010...


  1. You may refer to my current efforts as "comb-over blogging".

    1. Ha! Too funny. Better than Trump's hair I guess. Make Blogging Great Again!

  2. I never did buy that pistol grip rod...

  3. As one who lurked on the outskirts, I also miss the banter and find it no fun to try to keep up with the stream of social media snippets.

    1. Scattered snippets is an excellent way to put it. Maybe we can resurrect a little bit of the banter.

  4. I came to the party too late to experience the good ol' days, but it's nice to know that they existed.

  5. Replies
    1. Don't get your hopes up... But I'll be trolling your comments section shortly.

  6. You just stole my thunder Mike. I've got a post ready to drop but decided to wait a while. I really miss those good old days. Blogs have come and gone and there is a new group and some of them are really good. Check out Fading Angler, Chris is a great guy with some interesting perspectives on life and fishing due to his disability.

    I've finally figured out that if you don't comment and share or update more than every couple of months no one is going to come back and say thanks.

    1. Thanks Howard, I'll check out Fading Angler...sounds like one to add to the blogroll.

  7. By the way, you're excused since you've got double the obligation now.

  8. SHut up. You all suck. I'm right. You're wrong. - - - - Whew. There's my throwback effort. :)

    1. Sounds about right, I like it.

      I thought your throwback effort was

    2. Well, maybe. If I could ever get some actual fishing content on it. This week my excuse for not fishing is: 1. bum knee 2. we're sprucing up the house to sell it 3. it's thundering outside 4. I'm afraid of fire ants and biting goats 5. I have to catch up on my facebook like clicking 6. I broke an eyelash this morning - and 7. there's a feral cat eyeballing me from the driveway.

  9. Replies
    1. Yes, someday. Good to see you're still out there Dub.

  10. I have a lot to write about but I'm more into fishing now and spending time with the kids. It seems like people don't really care about my opinion either way as it is. My most popular post ever has been about the GeekPro camera. With those excuses aside you've inspired me to dust off the keyboard and get my act together.

    1. Nice, a can of compressed air really works good on a dusty keyboard. Bring it back.

  11. I'm really surprised, Howard, didn't suggest you photoshop me into that photo with the Jersey Shore crew with my white sunglasses haha. You have a plausible excuse to be away, because, of your eMag. I think of that as a branch of your blogging tree that is Troutrageous!

    Winter is usually a dead time, as well, so, you have that as an excuse.

    1. Michael
      Most of us that stated back in 2010 are all gone none, in fact that is the year I started blogging; I am still at it. I will admit that Facebook has taken a toll on the blogging community. I tried the Facebook thing sometime back, but really didn't like it because of all the drama associated with the site. I just feel closer to my blogger friends than I did with the Facebook crowd. Sorry I haven't kept up with your blog as much as other blogs I follow. I hope you will continue to publish post in the future and I look forward to reading those and making a comment. Thanks for sharing

    2. Carf - I thought you were the 2nd guy from the right?

      Bill - I hear you. Seems like you've got a good thing going with the folks over at your blog. Hope to jump back into the fray.
