August 13, 2014

The Quest For The Ultimate Fly Fishing Kayak - The BOTE Rackham 12'

It's been about a week of neglect for the blog...

Really not too motivated to write, but this sweet video of the new BOTE Rackham 12' popped into my inbox yesterday.  Since I teased this SUP a bit in the ICAST/IFTD paddlesports recap a few weeks back, let's do another installment of "The Quest for the Ultimate Fly Fishing Kayak"....(TQFTUFFK for short)...

Oh, and if you are hesitating on clicking play, there are scantily-clad women doing chickenfights toward the end.  I need to get over to Destin, pronto.  I mean that's why one lives in Florida, no?

The Rackham will hit dealers' shelves in mid-October.
Take my money now.


  1. SUP is certainly becoming all the craze.

  2. How they balance completely amazes me. Great stuff and I enjoyed the ending...
