May 26, 2014

Kickstarter - Snappycast

This is a pretty neat take on making a spincast rod & reel easier to cast.

Support Snappycast HERE.


  1. That is cool. It'll make it a lot easier for the munchkins to learn to cast since that's usually their first rod.

    1. Yes, I see this as perfect for kids. Especially first timers that you want them to have success so they want to continue going fishing with mom or dad.

  2. easy even a caveman can do it!

  3. Where was this item earlier this week? I can't tell you how long it took me to get my two little ones to be able to cast with their Barbie polls withat type of reel.

    1. Been there. Actually still am. Lilly has started making the move from spincast to spinning and that's been a bit of an adventure.

  4. That is actually a really cool idea. Love the concept and simplicity of it, too. I know I learned how to fish using one of those rod and reel setups.

    1. So did I. Heck, I used an (adult) spincast rod while I was in high school. Just never really was "into" fishing at the time, so the Zebco worked great for the occasional outing with friends.

    2. I don't think I know a person who fishes, that didn't use a Zebco spincasting setup. Haha I saw that it didn't make it's goal, but I just went to their website and seen that you can still preorder one. I might get one to have for when I take my little cousins out.

  5. Very clever idea but I wouldn't use it. Part of the fun of fishing is learning the skill. At what point will we have so many gadgets that you're 100% guaranteed to catch a fish no matter how inept you are? Might as well just go to the fish market instead.

    1. I hear you Jason, was sort of my first thoughts...but I'd see this as something for the truly recreational fisherman. i.e. someone that just wants to have fun and fishes once, maybe twice a year. Or little kids. My two cents.
