December 14, 2013

The Troutrageous! Blogroll Quarantine - Winter 2013

It's that time of year.  The hustle & bustle of the holidays.  The cold, the snow, the ice.  Like clockwork, fishing blogging comes to a screeching halt for many.  Ice fishing ain't for me either, so it is what it is, I get it.

The increase in inactivity also brings the annual expansion of the Troutrageous! Blogroll Quarantine (TBQ).  For those not in the know, I maintain a very generous blogroll on the right hand side of my blog.  (Not in already and want in, drop me a note HERE for consideration).  

Anyway, the rules are that once in the blogroll if you don't write a blog post in 3 months, you are relegated to the TBQ all the way at the bottom of the page until you write a new post.  Don't write a new blog post in 6 months, you're out of the quarantine and booted from the blogroll pretty much for good.

During the spring and summer months, when people are out and about and fishing, the TBQ might contain 3 or 4 blogs at one time.  This winter, much like many folks' waistlines, it has expanded to a maximum of 18 different blogs.  That number's a bit smaller at the moment, as some recently did new postings and others were removed due to extreme inactivity.  Today, it stands at 12 blogs.  

I present the dirty dozen.

Fortunately, just today, 2 blogs wrote new posts and are now back in the general blogroll population.  Those fortunate souls being American Sakasa Kebari & Casting Around (which also has a new "look"), so check them out and perhaps leave a comment at their place when you get a chance.  It'll probably encourage them to write more.

As for those other 12...if you're not dead...what's up?
I think I know what's going on with a few, but I only ask because I'm a fan of your work.


  1. Glad I just made a new post, even it it was only 15 hours ago!

  2. Ummm.....sorry...? To be honest, I've switched gears to, and will be rewriting some old posts to there.

    As to why I haven't posted on SWJ for a couple weeks? Laziness, seasonal affective disorder, job hunting, watching the Iron Man trilogy again, so on & so forth....

    1. No worries Mat. You were once of the handful where I thought I already knew the answer to my question. At least I can reconcile the TBQ. 12 down to 11.

      SWJ is already in the normal blogroll, so looks like you've got 2 months and 2 weeks until TBQ - so enjoy the holidays off! :)

  3. Oh Mike, I am quite the fanboy of the T! but have no excuses for my lack of blogging. I did notice being on the quarantine list a couple weeks ago and thought, "that sucks", but didn't do anything about it. I could give a million excuses, but I won't (ok, maybe just a few).

    You give me new motivation to post something. Have been wanting to write about the incredible "worst to first" season for the Red Sox. Also thought about a fishy season wrap up or something about fishing in the ADK this fall but with Instagram, Twitter, G+, Facebook all as major social media distractions, a meaningful post has eluded me.

    Please offer a couple of writing prompts, Mr. T! to get me motivated.

    Your humble follower,

    1. Excuses are for the weak. Somebody said that once, don't remember who...

      Anyway, glad to give you a kick in the pants to write a post or two. After all the cool pics I see you Instagramming, there's gotta be at least a few sentence story behind a few.

      Oh, what's your thoughts on Ellsbury to the Yanks? You guys want Papelbon back from my Phillies?...please!!!!

    2. That's a good idea, Mike. It was Rod Steward that sang "Every Picture Tells a Story" I can work with that.

      With Boras as El's agent, the trade to some team was inevitable. For good or worse, the Red Sox organization is done with those high profile, high price 5+ year deals for players. They continue to work their farm system effectively and are bringing up young talent to fill in as needed. The Red Sox are the overpriced farm club for the Yankees.

      I was a bit surprised by the one year deal for bad boy A.J. Pierzynski. It will probably take 1/2 the season to get the pitching staff working well with him.

      Pap was a rocket, not sure why he's doing so poorly in Phillie. Koji stepped up in a surprising big way this year. It will be interesting to see if he can keep that mojo in 2014 after all the teams have seen his stuff in his second year as a closer for the Sox.

      I'll just copy and past this reply for my Red Sox Post ;-).

      Thanks again, Mike!

  4. This is the best 'encouragement' (kick in the arse) post I think I've ever seen. Love the idea of a blog quarantine. If you have some spare time, can you go organize and do this for the OBN directory for me? I'd pay you in Fly Fishing hats....I'm rich in fly fishing hats and would love to share the wealth.

    Kidding aside...loved this.

  5. You got me... and I'm almost the worst offender. I guess I'll write something to get out of TBQ.

    1. Hopefully this post will get me out...

  6. Bummer ;) It has been way to long! 4SURE. Tight LInes man. ;)
