May 3, 2013

Slideshow: Tenkara USA Fly Collection

I don't usually re-post stuff from Tenkara USA's blog.  I mean all of us cult-like enthusiastic Tenkaramaniacs already consume pretty much anything Daniel Galhardo posts these many of my social-media inclined cohorts do a fine job of spreading his work.  That said, this slide show of Tenkara flies is far too rad to ignore, possibly interesting enough that you non-Tenkara heathens would still enjoy it...and of most importantly, easily embeddable.

Who says all Tenkara flies need to be reverse hackle kebari?

See original post HERE over at Tenkara USA


  1. I'm surprised to see the number of "woolie worms" showing up posing as tenkara flies. I could swear I also saw a streamer in there. That must be what I heard this morning - all that popping - tenkara fan-boy heads exploding when they say more than one fly. ;) ( Some of those are beautiful, btw.)

  2. I'm sorry, I guess I don;t fall into the enthusiastic Tenkaramaniacs category. I don't use Tenkara flies. I just use what ever is in my dry fly box. I'm so ashamed. No I'm not....
