March 31, 2013

The Spectacle of the Annual Trout Opener

I don't go to the opening day of trout season for the "stellar" fishing.

No, I go for the tradition and spectacle, which includes...

A lot of cars trucks & SUVs...

Random dudes to the left...

random dudes to the right.

random dudes over here...

random dudes over there...

random dudes everywhere...

It wasn't quite the shoulder to shoulder combat fishing that it has been in years past, but there was still quite a lot to see, mainly from folks that clearly only fish on this occasion each year.  What you get is a mixed bag full of anglers wading through prime holding water, numerous bird's nests consuming reels due to being spooled with mono that hasn't been changed in a decade, a sporting goods store worth of lures caught in overhead tree branches, and of course every color of Powerbait and species of worm/grub under the sun.  

But whatever, my brothers of the creek paid for their license fair and square, so they have just as much right to be there as I do...  I'm no snob, however I find myself easily entertained.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't fish...but no fly rod, no Tenkara wand.  Instead, I came bearing some serious hardware.

Pflueger bitches!

Caught one shy of my limit tossing spinners...

...and escaped about an hour later to the sanctuary of the golden arches.

Tradition laced with spectacle capped off with Canadian bacon, egg, and melty orange cheese.  
Yet another Southeastern Pennsylvania opening day in the books.

I'm really gonna miss it next year.


  1. Don't know how I would handle crowds like that. When I pull into the parking area or access point and see just 1 other vehicle, I am disappointed.

    I like your take on it though...interesting to watch, and they do have as much right to be there as anyone.

    1. Guess it just depends on how much water there is to be fished...a lot of cars on a large body of water isn't as big a deal as a lot of cars on a small one. This is typical for the opener, but the next day it's 1/3 of the cars...

  2. Almost as bad as the post office on April 15th

    1. Almost, or the Taco Bell Drive Thru on the first day Doritos Locos Tacos were offered...

  3. Michael
    This place looks like our tailrace each month they stock 3000 trout in the waters. If fact the fishermen could be a little closer with the fly rods, spinning gear and cane poles. I usually wait about a week before I venture out in hopes of thinner crowds. What size spinners were you using with the spinning gear? Thanks for sharing

    1. Yeah, opening day is always crowded, they don't do a ton of stockings so it's always a big deal. I was tossing Size #0 blue fox spinners.

  4. Of course everybody has the right to go fishing but I personally always try to be alone on the spot!

    1. Me too...other than on opening day, or when fishing with friends.

  5. I always look at pictures like the one you have with the guys almost in a a circle around the pools an think... Is that really fishing? What the hell about that experience is enjoyable?

    1. Not sure. Perhaps it appeals to one's masochistic tendencies.

  6. It didn't look as crowded as past years. I saw a hole or two you should have been able to stick your rod in. You caught a couple of nice ones. All in all I'd say a good opening day right up to McDonalds. I'd have done a sausage McMuffin, but to each his own.

    1. Nah, it wasn't as crowded, about 1/3 the people as say three or four years ago. Weather was good that's strange. I'll always go Egg McMuffin, I'm OG like that.

  7. What crowds? Looks like a typical day fishing on Long Island. At least you got some, nice job. Opening day around go fishing and a hockey game usually breaks out.

    1. There are places that are much worse that above here too...but I can't imagine Long Island. I'm sure it's nuts.

  8. Random, Dude! Every picture tells a story.

  9. I agree with the over crowded sentiment. It looks like you would catch far more fishermen than fish. But I might be game to going out there with a ladder and collecting on some of that discarded gear you mentioned.

    1. Somebody with ambition (and as you mentioned, a ladder) could do quite well for themselves there....

  10. Very interesting ... I would also observe, as I like to fish alone or with a partner .....

  11. You're kidding yourself if you think that's really cheese.

    1. Meh, most of the food I eat isn't as advertised, so no big deal to me.

  12. Sometimes I wonder why some anglers don't just take up bird watching. I mean, if your main goal is to "be alone," then why not just take a chair out into the woods and have a seat. bring a book. maybe some crackers. Whatever. Seriously though, we have that here too - although I gave up attending the "circus" that is opening day back when I was about 19 or 20. When I was in my 20's the state decided to open up about half the water that was "seasonal" to year-round use. Back then, I made good use of it and fished almost all year. If you miss that next year, I can put you on Low Gap Creek for Opening Day of 2014. It's half as big, has twice the trees and five times the number of anglers. Of course, if you just want to be alone - I can drop you off in the Smokies somewhere and you can just walk for a mile and sit down. ;) YES, I AM TRYING TO GET THESE NEW PEOPLE TO NUT UP AND GO CHECK OUT MY BLOG. geez. there. i said it. are you HAPPY NOW? freaking 15 inch brown trout stockers. geez. the nerve.

    1. Low Gap Creek it might be. Funny, I didn't realize you wrote a blog again...

  13. at least people are out fishing. No fear of the sport dying out in Penn. Wait, what was that? Yup, I found a silver lining. cha. ching.


  14. Great name and great blog. seriously . keep it up

  15. What I meant to say was... You're really gonna miss it when all those fishermen go horizontal and become gators.

  16. I guess it's a nice pep-up event - go out there with all those other random dudes, and the air is energized with eager anglers - so you take in all that energy. Then you go back when it's calmer, full of energy and all excited!

    (This is my first time at your blog - I'll definitely be back!)


  17. You're just a multi talented fish catching machine!!

    I miss opening day

  18. I had always heard of the "Trout Opener", thanks for the overview and unique prospective on it.
