May 29, 2012

Doesn't Take Much To Put A Bend In A Cabela's C.G.R.

Got out this past Sunday night for the first time since the trip to Georgia/North Carolina a few weeks back. It was a relatively short outing...just wanted to get in some work with a Cabela's CGR glass rod I bought some time ago, but never used other in the backyard.

"Stop looking at geese and get to fishin'!"

Tell you what, only caught a few sunfish, but I can tell why you "glass geeks" are so enthusiastic about fiberglass rods...damn thing almost bent in half bringing in this guy, and as you can see, it's no brute.

Not sure if I'm a glass convert, but it is a fun way to fish. Sorta like tenkara in the way it makes even the small fish feel like pigs.  Luckily, I was able to bring in about a handful like this before it got dark so it made for a fun time.

Still need to do a bit of fine tuning on a line/leader combo for this 4-weight, as I was just borrowing the setup from my 3-weight L.L. Bean Quest II, which is a decidedly faster rod and needs a heavier line to help it "load."  That said, I think I'll enjoy a little more time with the CGR in upcoming weeks...


  1. I finally used my CGR (7/8wt) on a hawg bass this weekend. real good times, the thing was bent double. Worth every penny & then some

    1. It is definitely fun for a (relatively) inexpensive rod.

  2. Keep us posted about the line you end up using on the 3wt - I am picking up a CGR soon !

    1. I apologize...I had to edit some of what I wrote above. I have a 4-wt, but was using the 4-wt line I use on my LL Bean 3-weight. It's still so I have to overline it. Either way, I settled on a Rio Trout LT line that works pretty good...check Wednesday's post for more.

  3. I have the 5wt CGR and I overline it with a 6wt Sylk line. Casts like butter for me with the heavier line.

    1. May have to check out the Sylk. The problem I was having was the line was too heavy.

    2. i own two in the line, the bookends. both are preferable with their rated lines, and not any of that "half size heavy" (aka two aftma weights heavier) gpx et al nonsense. try the lighter of the listed weights on the rod.

      the cortland sylk has a very long front taper. it will make flies with weight even more difficult to cast than your bagged bean line (which is, iirc, a SA aircel).

      btw, if your q2 is the 6'6", try it with a 4wff and not a 3. its too short to matter, but it loads and unloads signficantly better at the distances one uses a 6'6" rod at.

      would i lie to you?

    3. Thanks gfen. My Quest II is the 6'6" and I've already moved up to a 4wt line. (I think I read this recommendation on your blog a while back as a matter of fact). I had hoped that 4-wt line that I had on the Quest would cast well on the 4-wt CGR, but it didn't. I just think it's crap line. I picked it up cheap out of some bargain bin. I swapped out for some Rio Trout LT that I normally use on my Redington and the CGR casts much nicer.

  4. I was waiting for a report on these rods from someone I know.

  5. Michael
    I really like fly a rod that is a tad under kill for some of the fish I am landing, and the glass rod is right in that lane. Thanks for sharing

    1. I agree. Even with spinning tackle, I've been fond of an UL setup.

  6. Maybe some poppers might bring up bigger fish? You know, just a thought. :p

    1. I got my Zazzys wet, but I chose to withhold those comments.

  7. Pigs or you said, glass has a way of making it fun.

  8. I had one but never fished it. I thought it had more back bone than that. I ended up getting a 3wt 7ft st croix avid. I love that thing.

    1. At least you found a rod that's right for you. The CGR is fun to fish with, but probably won't become my primary. I like to be able to nymph too, and I don't think this rod would handle that task well. Great with dries though.
