May 21, 2012

Back Behind The Wheel

It's been a few days since the last post around here...and Russell Westbrook's shirt has received far too much play.  Unfortunately, last week's slowdown in blog posting was not due to an extended fishing weekend, but rather a weekend of work (with admittedly a little play) down in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Ric Flair appearance at Walmart...and I was a few days early...crap!

This is just a post to get back in the groove a bit and set the table for a full week's worth of fishing-ish posts.  So what's in store for Troutrageous! readers leading into Memorial Day weekend?  How about a few overdue product reviews, perhaps some bad Photoshop, and yes, the return of Wednesday Nibbles.  Sound good?  Well, you know I don't really care what you think anyway.

Oh, and for those of you that don't do Instagram or Twitter and haven't been following along there, here are a few pictures of last weekend.  No rainbow trout, but lots of brightly colored cars.


  1. Geez, looks like an ad for Goodyear.

  2. Why does Walmart need Ric Flair when they have Troutrageous! Really...
