August 28, 2011

How Do You Take Your Reading?

Hurricane Irene is here.  Although (as I'm typing this) I'm not in imminent danger, all of the streams are going to be blown out at least until midweek, not to mention what kind of havoc the high winds might have caused, so likely not a ton of fishing in store for least until next weekend.  Holed up in the house, will have some time on my hands, which gets me thinking about reading.

As a blogger, I love to read other people's blogs.  I take at least a partial spin through my blogroll daily; there are so many talented writers and photographers out there, it's something I find really enjoyable.  

There are also a ton of online magazines such as 'Catch Magazine,' 'Ten and Two,' 'Kype Magazine,' and 'This Is Fly' that are very good reads.  That noted, it doesn't mean I don't like to do traditional reading in primarily magazine or book form as well.

The latest from This Is Fly

Problem was, I was getting so many magazines either by my own doing or via gift subscriptions, they were really piling up.  Reading them all wasn't necessarily the issue, but I just sort of wanted a streamlined way to keep them...not only close by...but for posterity.  All that paper takes up space!  Not to mention the inconvenience of juggling multiple books and magazines when traveling.

So I've started the migration to digital.  I've got the Kindle app for both my Android phone and tablet and have downloaded Gierach's 'No Shortage of Good Days' and 'The Windknot' by John Galligan to start my "library."  On top of that, with my Field & Stream subscription running out this month, I've transitioned that to digital as well, which is accessible on the tablet, PC, phone, you name it, via an account with Zinio.

Field & Stream, on the Motorola Xoom

While I'm getting the hang of this, I have to say I like it so far.  Using the Android tablet vs. say an actual Kindle is nice because it's in color so you can still get the full impact of photography in magazines.  I wouldn't imagine a book being much of a difference since it is primarily text.  Unfortunately, many fly fishing magazines I enjoy aren't available digitally yet, so I can't quite get to paperless Nirvana yet.

No such thing as signed copies of digital books...The Stream of Time by Len Harris (shown above)

So what are your thoughts?  Do you do the digital book/magazine thing?  Are you thinking about it but still on the fence?  Have you tried it and not liked it or do you think it's awesome?  

Would love to hear your opinions.  With everything going more and more digital by the day perhaps the simple touch and feel of a book is what keeps one "traditional."


  1. I've been using an iPad 1 for the last couple of months ... it's very easy for me to read all that fish porn and follow the blogs. And, it's very nice to share images and the like. I'm really enjoying the portability and wireless access. But, alas, nothing feels like a book or magazine.

  2. I hate books. Always have. Don't know why. Now, a fishing book - if it's a good one - I can do. But books on other stuff? Meh. I just can't sit there and look at paper that long. ( What's different about that or staring at a brightly lit digital screen? I dunno. But something is.) If I had the resources ( read:$$$) I'd subscribe to some things in digital format. Fly tying magazines, maybe one or two about fishing out west, a general fly fishing rag...just things to have on hand. But it'd have to be digital. I don't need more stuff to have to throw out every month, ya know? There's no stopping it now - we live in an increasingly electronic, digital world. And that's not all bad. :)

  3. Like you, I'm on the fence. No iPad yet, but have had a Kindle for years and it definitely has its place. But a good book in your hand is, well, a good book in your hand. Doesn't get much better.

  4. I've embraced digital, though I'm sort of like Clif: I enjoy grabbing a book or magazine & hiding out with it.

    I read (a lot), especially when on project sites (26 books in 31 days once before). For travel like that (& ease of obtaining new titles), digital is the way to go. I have a 64GB iPod Touch with the Kindle app for books and the Zinio app for a couple magazines (a subscription to Fly Fishing in Saltwaters mainly).

    I dislike clutter and I'm trying to overcome that feeling of reverence I (and a lot of other people) have for books; I try to share/give away/donate books after I read them...unless they're autographed copies of No Shortage of Good Days...

  5. I read the digital magazines when they come out and I hear about them thru my blog feed. I actually subscribed to US Carp Pro the last time it came out. There's something about 30+ lb carp that I enjoy reading about.

    As for physical magazines, I have a subscription to F&S and a grandfather who passes on old copies of Guns & Ammo, North American Fishing Club, etc. They all share a place of honor near the Throne.

  6. So this has gotten me thinking. On my desk, at this very moment, are:

    Field & Stream (magazine)
    Trout (magazine)
    The New Yorker (magazine)
    Wildlife in North Carolina (magazine)
    The Flyfish Journal (too lovely to call just a magazine)
    The Dake (magazine)

    Leavings (poetry by Wendell Berry)
    Sibley Field Gudie to Birds
    North Carolina Hiking Trails (de Hart)
    Aspects of the Novel (Forster)
    Thinking About Memoir (Thomas)
    The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Book
    No Shortage of Good Days (Gierach)
    Accidental Birds of the Carolinas (Hudson)
    Webster's Thesaurus

    And that's just what I can reach out and touch. You ought to see my bedside nightstand. I guess I've embraced the electronic, but am still romanced by the paper.

    Old school.

  7. I'm with Mike and Jay...old school. I prefer hard copy.

  8. I can't read, but if I could, I would prefer books and magazines. I can't even decipher photos well when they stand up.

  9. All good points. Except for Cofisher's.

    I think I'm starting to prefer digital, but until everybody from a publishing standpoint hops aboard, it's going to be difficult to eliminate the paper. Either way, it sure is fun reading it all.
