November 10, 2010

Wednesday Nibbles - You Got A Little Something on Your Shorts

It's Wednesday, which means another installment of the nibbles.  Fishy stuff & pop culture accumulated from the web, email, & social networks that is just starting to smell bad enough on my hard drive to get rid of it here...

Orvis is the sh*t.  No really.  Got a postcard in the mail that they're opening up a brand spankin' new store in Plymouth Meeting, PA with a special preview event on the evening of November 18th.  Normally I'd go for the free hors d'oeuvres, but I'll be out of town that day.  Will be in Big D to be exact - part for business, part on a mission to kindly remind all of the Cowboys fans that their team is 1-7.

Back to Orvis, it's a shame I can't make it, I really wanted to pick up one of these.  I think it would keep my Tahitian Treat nice and cold during a day out on the water.

Who doesn't need a leather cooler for $995?

Next up is not necessarily fishing related - but outdoorsy.  I'm sure by now everybody's caught the pictures of that Grizzly Bear chasing the Bison down the road in Yellowstone National Park.  In case you've been watching too many re-runs of the Real Housewives of Atlanta to notice, click HERE for all the pics.

It spread across the interwebs like crazy the past couple weeks but it has me wondering...why the h-e-double hockey sticks is this dude standing there and taking pictures?  If a charred bison and a visibly hungry griz were running down the highway toward me at full speed, I think I'd 1) Drop everything and run, 2) relieve myself in my pants, & 3) start crying for my Mommy - not that any of those are atypical behavior for me.

And down the stretch they come...

Speaking of racing - you see that jockey fight at the Breeders Cup over the weekend?  8 feet and 120 pounds of combined fury! You can't control Calvin Borel.

Sidenote - I'm having trouble figuring out if I have a crush on Jeannine Edwards; one thing I will say is that her eyes are not of this this world.  Really.  I don't know what's going on there. Almost beautifully reptilian in nature.

OK, back to fishing...right...sometimes I have to remind myself this is a fishing blog.  

Another fishing blog I stumbled on this week that you should all go and check out is Joe Chatterton's Angling Diary.  Joe is some guy lives across the pond and catches all kinds of crazy looking fish you don't typically find in the States . Stuff like Barbel & Roach.  Huh?  Lots of good pictures too...especially if you don't mind looking at shots of clothes soaked in catfish feces.  Yes, catfish feces.  Tasty.

Think OxyClean will get this out?

Last but not least (sorry, no poorly photoshopped pics of fellow bloggers this week) I had to bring some Rippn' Lipps out of mothballs.  For those of you not familiar with the YouTube antics of Rippn' Lipps...let's just say these guys fish with more style than you do.

Be A Fisherman, Not A Wisherman.  Join the Hit Squad.  YEETADEE!


  1. Being a Redskins fan, I can't be happier that the Cowboys are 1-7 although I do feel bad for Wade Phillips, who is unemployeed as of this morning. The guy tried hard.
    Interesting eyes that Jeannine Edwards has and the Buffalo guy might have been in a car. If not, he was stupid in my book.


  2. While in Big D, slap Mr. Jones, and I don't mean To Tall, upside the head. My Cowboys are an embarassment.

  3. I am disappointed you didn't even insinuate Joe Chatterton got some great pictures of a bear chasing bison.

  4. @AO - No prob.

    @Shoreman - I don't feel bad for Wade Phillips. I have a feeling the checks he cashed over the past few years will keep him afloat for a while. Even in a car, I still say stupid.

    @Brk - I'd be afraid to undo all of the "work" he's had done.

    @Clif - I'm still too confused to what the heck a barbel is to go there.

  5. I've seen the bison/bear pics. I was skeptical at first, but I'm assuming at this point they're legit. I haven't found anything to the contrary.

    A leather cooler for $995? Uhhh, no thanks. I'll leave that for the folks with deep pockets!

    And the catfish feces...well, what can you say? LOL
