February 21, 2022

Small Stream Reflections

Alan Petrucci (or as some may have known him, Brk Trt or Uppahdam) is one of the most widely-respected anglers and bloggers I've ever been fortunate enough to know. Universally loved within our angling community, shocked and saddened are poor descriptors of my feelings when I learned that Alan had recently passed away.

Alan was a small stream master, ever in pursuit of blue lines and "wild jewels" (brook trout). It was not uncommon that he'd punctuate his blog posts with a photo of a delicious meal, a bit of his writing trademark. We unfortunately never got to meet in person, but exchanged many emails and communications over at least the last decade, even swapping some flies and stories by way of physical mail. I considered Alan a friend, and a role model in fishing, fly tying, and writing.

I suspect if you're one of the people that read this blog, you have also read Alan's almost daily installments of "Small Stream Reflections" as well. If not, you owe it to yourself to do so. There are few writers in this digital format that are as proficient at summarizing the multitude of emotions and intimate experiences an angler encounters both on the water and in life. You could tell his genuine love for the outdoors was only surpassed by that for his family.

I've always struggled saying the right things when somebody passes away. The omnipresent "condolences," or "thoughts and prayers" never seem sufficient. So I'll end this post simply; Alan, you will be sorely missed. Tight lines and Godspeed my friend.


  1. Well said Michael,
    As an avid SSR follower Alan and his wonderful posts will be greatly missed.

  2. Perfectly written about our small stream friend. You said what I have felt about him all along. His written words were so enjoyable. His foodie pics made me want to jump on a plane and join him for dinner! He was constant. Unlike me... Haha. You could always count on him to write at least once a week or more. Thanks, Mike, for expressing your thoughts about him. It was spot on. He will be missed from the blog community for sure.

    1. Thanks RD. The food closers of his posts were severely underrated. I enjoyed them as much as the beautiful brookies. I was usually headed straight toward the kitchen after reading a SSR post!

  3. A very nice tribute Mike. Well said.

  4. Mike
    Well written post which would make Alan feel proud---thanks for sharing
