September 30, 2010

The Pennsylvania Camo Coalition

Stumbled across this today, suppose there was an announcement of a new initiative on Tuesday called the "Pennsylvania Camo Coalition." It was created by the Citizens For Pennsylvania's Future (PennFuture) which is an affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation.

Taken from their website:
Who We Are
The Pennsylvania Camo Coalition is made up of sportsmen and sportswomen from around the state who care about preserving outdoor opportunities and who hope to pass down a legacy of clean air and water and healthy wildlife to our children and future generations. Pennsylvania's hunters, anglers and trappers have been, and continue to be, some of the state's most committed and effective conservation leaders. We need to work together to protect and defend the traditions and natural resources we appreciate and value.

Membership is free, so if seems like something that fits your M.O., it's probably worth doing a little research on prior to joining.  There are evidently Camo Coalitions in a few other states too, but being 100% honest, I know nothing about them.  I'd be interested in learning how some of their initiatives align with those of other prominent environmental groups in PA, like Trout Unlimited for example.

Here's a link to the PA Camo Coalition website:

As well as a link to the original press release I read on the subject:


  1. I've never heard of this group before. I'll definitely be looking into it.

  2. To Bill and Troutrageous,

    I am the Campaign Manager for the Camo coalition. If you would like more info, please contact me at 717-214-7928 or

    Native Pennsylvanian who has hunted and fished all my life. We are trying to get conservation minded sportsmen involved in the political process in Harrisburg with this effort.

    Thank you for posting this on your blog, and I hope to hear from you

  3. This is a ridiculous group of enviromental extremists trying to magnify their voice by kissing up to sportsmen. Then can go to hell as far as im concerned, they have done enough damage in our states game management issues.
